Army Day ✍️ talents in Bakadi

The Sudanese Armed Forces are the protectors of the land and honor, holding the embers of the cause, and we, the Sudanese Armed Forces, celebrate this day.

(Army Day) Because we are the faithful soldiers of the nation, because we are the symbol of redemption, of steadfastness, of pride and arrogance, the pride of his mother, a glue that never bent or retreated.

We are steadfast and are not defeated by difficulties. We celebrate this day because we are a crown on the forehead of this country. Yes, we know that.

We are all this and more

The land that was watered by the blood of the martyrs will tell you about us and the number of honorable organizations it has embraced, the Sudanese Armed Forces, the symbol of patriotism and proud souls. We celebrate this day.

Because we know our destiny, and may God have mercy on someone who knows his own destiny, we celebrate this day.

Because the army is Sudan, it is permissible for all Sudanese people to celebrate this day. It is permissible for every honorable citizen who is jealous of his family, the sanctity of his home and his honor to celebrate this day. The Sudanese person is part of the dignity of the Sudanese armed forces.

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