Army Day..the Armed Forces and the Popular Resistance..of a (tina) – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

There is no single topic that unites this title above except the visit of Major General (M) Bashir Makki Al-Bahi, Chairman of the National Committee for Mobilization and Popular Resistance in Sudan, to the 3rd Infantry Division, Bashandi. of the armed forces coming out of the lair of heroes and the man factory, and he may be in batch (29) if my memory serves me right. He mixed or linked the officers of the 1920s promotions with the 1930s promotions of the Military College. He became a link between two generations of lions of the military college who had a great impact on the march of the armed forces by playing their role in protecting the (borders), and Major General Bashir Mekki Al-Bahi is also in charge of it. A mission within the (Borders) Commission. This commission is appointed to protect the borders of Sudan from a legal point of view and is responsible for protecting the borders with maps and documents from any geographical encroachment on them or from any encroachment on the area of ​​Sudan known internationally. and regionally. Thus, Major General Bashir Mekki Al-Bahi combined the classes of the twenties and thirties at the Military College, and also combined the protection of the borders (militarily) and (legal).

Today, he is the head of the National Committee for Vigilance and Popular Resistance in Sudan, and Major General (M) Bashir Mekki Al-Bahi brought this mission together between the armed forces and the popular resistance.

And a personality like this, for whom God has made it easy to combine these things, God has endowed him with a certain distinction, and this is what Major General Hamdan Abdul Qader, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, indicated in his welcome to the land of heroes in Maqil.

The visit of Major General Bashir Mekki Al-Bahi to the Nile State and Shendi coincides with the 70th anniversary of the armed forces, and this visit coincides with the holiday in which there are signs that combine the armed forces and the people. The resistance. Just as General Bashir Mekki Al-Bahi was a link with what we mentioned above, there is also something that connects the armed forces and the popular resistance.

The armed forces were subjected to their first test a year after their establishment in 1954. The Torit rebellion broke out in the Equatoria region of southern Sudan in 1955 AD. Since that date and until this day, the armed forces have not been and will not be devoid of tests and examinations, and in each of them, God willing, they have achieved great successes that have astonished the observers and enemies of Sudan, whose efforts to dismantle and weaken the armed forces have not ceased until this day, as we celebrate. With the armed forces, the seventieth anniversary, closed rooms in the Swiss capital, Geneva, are witnessing the hatching of new conspiracies against the armed forces.

Just as the enemies of Sudan sought to undermine and denigrate the armed forces throughout their lives, the popular resistance was a bigger target for these enemies and more dangerous for them as soon as it rose a little above the surface of the ground. , cries rose from them and most of them became advisers on the danger that threatened the country. Its unity was due to the popular armed resistance, because it would be the core of a civil war between the components of Sudanese society, the media and the media that supported them have long played on this tone, but their attempts failed to abort the popular resistance and kill it in its early stages, just as their previous attempts to weaken and dismantle the armed forces failed.

The West, especially the United States and Britain, are afraid of popular resistance, and this is perhaps what the head of the National Mobilization Committee, General Bashir Makki Al-Bahi, pointed out, saying that popular resistance is what freed many countries from colonialism, which had held people back for many years.

America has tasted two things of popular resistance in recent times, and it has humiliated it in the middle of the world and lost the pride of its face and the greatness of its authority. This was the first time in Somalia and the whole world witnessed this humiliation. and the humiliation to which the American forces were subjected, and the satellite channels broadcast the “massacre” operations to which the American soldiers were subjected, and the second experience took place in Afghanistan, where America is humiliated after twenty years of occupation.

In Sudan, President Omar al-Bashir has come under intense pressure from the West to disband the Popular Defense Forces, which he created by law in 1992 and transformed into a reserve force to support the armed forces.

Just as the forces of aggression failed to attack the armed forces, they also failed to attack the popular resistance, which now has brigades like the Brigade (of Dignity) presented by Shindi. The failure of the enemies to attack the armed forces and the popular resistance. in Sudan may be due to an apparent reason, namely that the armed forces and the resistance. Popularity, as the saying goes, is the character of this people, known for their pride, strength, invincibility and courage.

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