Arqin crossing fire: an alarm signal ringing at the gates of responsibility – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The fire that broke out in the area of ​​the Arqin border post between Egypt and Sudan has cast a dark shadow over this area, highlighting the great dangers lurking there, especially with the significant increase in slum phenomenon, the recurrence of the same accident and the warning signs of passenger movements at the level crossing, and the fire resulted in serious material losses, as it destroyed the houses of the level crossing workers and the stores at random, without causing human casualties. the cause of the fire is unknown, but some witnesses indicate that it started in one of the basements and spread, under the influence of the wind, to the rest of the houses and shops.

This fire is a wake-up call sounding the alarm, as serious measures are needed from all parties involved to prevent the recurrence of such disasters. It is the responsibility of officials in both countries, Egypt and Sudan, to remove slums. this region, and establish alternative housing and markets. Planned It will be better, with the provision of necessary emergency services, such as fire trucks, to ensure the safety of citizens, and the local community shares the responsibility of preventing fires through awareness. their dangers, the methods to prevent them and the immediate reporting of any fire that breaks out.

The Arqin Passage fire is a lesson that we must learn well and work to translate into concrete measures on the ground, to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the citizens of this region and to prevent the occurrence of disasters. most important in the region. Cooperation between Egypt and Sudan in the field of firefighting is essential to ensure the security of the border region and prevent the occurrence of such disasters. This cooperation includes the exchange of experiences in the field of firefighting, the training of firefighters and the provision of the necessary equipment. equipment and establish joint emergency plans. Robust emergency plans should be developed to deal with fires in border areas, including defining the roles and responsibilities of each party, determining communication and coordination mechanisms between different parties and providing equipment. necessary to fight fires. . Citizens must be made aware of the dangers of fires and how to prevent them, through awareness campaigns and guidance bulletins.

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