Arrangements for visit of Director General of Sudanese Mineral Resources Corporation to inaugurate community projects

The Governor of the Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awadallah, chaired the meeting of the Supreme Committee in charge of the modalities of opening social responsibility projects in the state, in the presence of the State Government Advisor, the Minister of Finance, Investment, Health and Education, the management of the Sudanese State Mineral Resources Corporation, and the executive directors of some localities in the Northern State (Halfa – Dalgo – Dongola – Al-Dabba).

Intelligence Commander and Directors of Police and Mining Security

The meeting discussed many issues that follow the mechanism of opening social responsibility projects, which has exceeded twenty-one ready projects, including fifteen projects in the four localities, in addition to the opening of the gold market project in Dongola.

The meeting also discussed the modalities of the visit of the Director General of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company, Mr. Mohamed Taher Omar, to the state and his honor in opening these projects that were implemented with social responsibility money or mining revenues for the communities of the country. Localities Dongola – Halfa – Dalgu – Al-Dabba.

The meeting was informed of future arrangements and project proposals for the coming year, God willing.

The recent repercussions of thiourea grinders and mixers and what comes with the entry of these grinders into the state were discussed, in which the governor issued a decision prohibiting their use to protect the people and the environment of the state and preserve its resources.

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