Art is at the heart of the fight for dignity – On Low Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟣 Art and the arts in Sudan in particular, find themselves on the front lines of confrontation in hotbeds of tension and crisis, making words, melody, sound, performance, theater, brushes and colors tools of resistance and expression that cannot be underestimated.

🟣 Together, these elements constitute the magic of art and the arts, and represent a deadly weapon in the hands of artists to face the current and complex challenges facing the Sudanese scene.

🟣 In light of the serious challenges facing the country, including the brutal war against the Rapid Support Militia and the heinous acts it is committing, including destruction of infrastructure, looting, rape and displacement of citizens, the role of art and artists appears as a source of hope and light in the tunnel of these dark crises.

They document events, transmit suffering and inspire determination, emphasizing the values ​​of truth, justice and human dignity.

🟣 The use of art as a tool of expression and resistance is strongly needed in the context of the fight for freedom and dignity.

🟣 Sudanese artists are taking multiple creative avenues to confront injustice and tyranny, using their voices, colors, and talents to create impact to bring about change.

🟣 Through their art, they seek to rebuild hope and unite society in the face of threats to the nation and its principles.

⭕ Art and the artist are at the heart of resistance and dignity..

In light of the current events ravaging Sudan, art appears as a global language capable of embodying the suffering and struggle of the people in the face of the RSF rebellion. With each painting, poem and musical note, a new chapter is written in the history of Sudan, a chapter that tells the story of the dignity of a nation fighting for its right to a dignified life.

🟣 The impact of art in documenting the Sudanese battle for dignity

Art has always been a witness to history and in Sudan, parking lots and streets have been transformed into paintings that tell stories of heroism and defiance.

🟣 Painters, musicians, poets and artists have all chosen to put their talents at the service of the cause, documenting different aspects of the battle for dignity that the Sudanese people are waging.

🟣 The role of the arts in the transmission of resistance events.

The artists' mission was not only limited to documentation, but they also served as bearers of messages, raising the voices of those who cannot express themselves.

🟣 Through artwork, many people around the world have been able to see the truth about what is happening in Sudan, thanks to art's unique ability to transcend language and cultural barriers.

🟣 There is no doubt that the rebellion led by the Rapid Support Militia has had a devastating impact on the country, not only in terms of security but also psychologically and socially on the population. In such circumstances, many artists have found in their works a refuge and a means to confront violence and inspire hope in the hearts of citizens.

Using art to inform society about current events

In addition to its role of documenting and transmitting events, art plays an important educational role in society. Through works of art, different issues are highlighted, sparking discussions and reflection on important issues and pushing for change.

🟣 Arts as a way to document the history and courage of the Sudanese people

Today, art stands as a living testament to Sudanese resistance, documenting the courage and resilience of the people in the face of enormous challenges. It reminds us that amidst devastation and pain, beauty and hope can emerge, and that every story of struggle has its own beauty that deserves to be told.

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