At a cost of ten billion pounds, the Committee of Martyrs and the Wounded throws sacrificial lambs for the families of the martyrs in the locality of Al-Gold.

“The Committee of Martyrs, Wounded and Prisoners of Al-Gold locality inaugurated the sacrificial lambs for the families of the martyrs, in the presence of the Chairman of the Supreme Committee.

Ms. Manal Makkawi, State Minister of Social Affairs. Under the generous sponsorship of Mr. Mahjoub Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, President of the local committee and Executive Director of the Gold locality. Under the supervision of Captain Ammar Al-Faki, Director General of the Martyrs' Organization in the Northern State, this Friday morning. Inside the golden local buildings

41 families, including the families of the martyrs, the wounded and the prisoners, had sacrificial lambs worth 10 billion pounds.

Under the slogan: “We will remain in the alliance and we will continue on the path”

Chairperson of the Supreme Committee of the Committee of Martyrs, Injured, Prisoners and Missing Persons, Professor Manal Makkawi, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of Social Affairs, confirmed that she will continue to provide support to the families of the martyrs who sacrificed the most precious thing for them, emphasizing that it is the duty of everyone towards those who sacrificed the soil of this country with their soul.

She also extended her congratulations on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha to the families of the martyrs, the wounded, the prisoners and the missing, as well as the Sudanese people, asking God for the victory of the Sudanese armed forces.

For his part, the Executive Director of Al-Gold locality, Mr. Mahjoub Muhammad Sayed Ahmed, said that this work is a pure effort on the part of the caring people of Al-Gold locality.

He expresses his thanks and gratitude to all those who stood by and supported these generous families who sacrificed their lives for this country.

At the end of his speech, he took pity on the martyrs of the nation, wishing a speedy recovery to the injured and the return of the prisoners and the missing.

Congratulating everyone on the blessed Eid Al-Adha, asking God to spread security and stability throughout our country.

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