At that time, the secrets of war will be revealed, and we will discover the genius of the commander and the soldier – the witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

The Commander-in-Chief of the People's Armed Forces has great tasks, great responsibilities and a mentality academically recognized for his intelligence and military specialization. However, politically he was just as demanding, and these days are gradually revealing the extent of his action. the holes that Al-Burhan could and can dig with his needle to catch the enemies of the homeland where they did not expect.

The results of the foreign visits that his comrades have made and continue to make and the arrangements that have been made within their framework in countries that played an influential role in the Sudanese crisis indicate that Lieutenant General Al-Burhan is politically active and par excellence.

The needle of proof, militarily and politically, is sinking and digging into the heart of the goal that is returning Sudan from non-state status to statehood.

..Everything indicated that the Sudan affair was over, from the first moments when the rebel militias mobilized mercenaries and recruited them from inside and outside, but the plan failed..And they will emerge politically and militarily. The indicators to achieve this It was not easy in light of the mobilization, the struggle and the international cooperation that was prepared. He has all the means to succeed. However, it was God's providence, the skill of the battle commander and the needles with which he pierced that eliminated the problem. dying rebellion and foiled the plan that targeted Sudan, its homeland and its people.

The evidence that baffled analysts, politicians and the army's failure, confirmed that he is an intelligent and skillful leader who can achieve his goals even if patience fails him.

Surely the battle will be clear and the army and the people will be victorious, and at that time the secrets of the war will be revealed, and we will see and hear about the genius of the commander and the soldiers, and we will know whatever either. a situation we have achieved through skill, sacrifice, struggle, patience and consistency.

God is great and glory to Sudan and its people.

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