Atef Al-Samani, Karawan of all colors – Masarib Al-Dhay – ✍️ Dr Mohamed Tabidi

*paths of light*

*A personal opinion column written by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khader Yaqoub Tabidi*

*🎯Crown Atef Al-Samani of all colors*

*The distinctive color* of creative Atef Al-Samani. I am a fan of his, very eager to hear even a whisper my love for the teacher, the artist, the neighbor, the friend, the honorable brother, Atef Al-. Samani is an eternal and endless love. I participated in the school session with him since I was young, so he was Khalil Al-Aza from the shooting until he extinguished the fire of difficult desire. There was next to him a Palestinian child from Haifa, a child who stole my country, my occupied country, Palestine, and we won prizes together, and I witnessed with him the beauty and the creativity of the return of the curlew, and I was the first to attend the officers' club after his return to the Marassi al-Shuq buoy, and my body shivered with his curlew voice, his distinctive singing movements and his astonishing fusion with his songs and their music. the creative artist Atef.

*Um Al-Alon II* of Atef He stood alongside the people of the neighborhood with all his abilities, and I do not forget when the dear and valiant brother, Najm Al-Din Khojali Abu Al-Jaz, accompanied from the music teacher. , Osama Ahmed Al-Mubarak, invited us to Atef's house to take the people of the neighborhood out of the war atmosphere, so we sang patriotic songs, and when it was Atef's turn, he refused to sing. I am very sad about the state of the country and the misery we have become in” (I don’t want to sing).

*A third color* by Atef Al-Samani After conditions worsened in the middle of the region's neighborhoods, and everyone left as refugees or refugees, and the artists left for neighboring countries, and others fled to the provinces of Amanah. The caravan did not leave and continued to serve in the neighborhood hospice from the first day, and until now it benefits from the support of the Military Cooperative Foundation, even if the children of the neighborhood are well-off and those of the diaspora do not need it. the hospice for any support at the time, and the role of many was important, but the role of Atef Al-Samani carrying the shovel to feed the residents of the neighborhood and the displaced people in the area, alongside the pioneer of the popular song, Jamal Al-Nahhas, was the most important role.

*Another color* for Mr. Atef Al-Samani when he responds to the commander's call and bears arms with the stationed soldiers and shouts his loud voice to the homeland in the bases to boost the morale of the stationed soldiers and trains new recruits in the field. battlefield and disassembles and assembles weapons. He takes great pride in his membership of our valiant armed forces and walks the streets and receives those returning to Lamdurman and distributes aid to the needy with the Military Cooperative Corporation.

*Unique color* for Atef Al-Samani because he grew up in the Omdurman countryside, which breeds patriots in all fields, and he grew up in the house of Professor Al-Samani Fadlallah in Ambada, next to the The most competent and largest Omdurman and Sudanese families, and he is no stranger to Atef Al-Samani, brother of Adel, Qabil and Moaz Al-Samani, son of Al-Madah and the theater artist Al-Muta'a Al-Samani, the sons of Fadlallah. whose name smells of musk, a given name of the same name, was raised to fight, to struggle, to love the country, to be obligated to the neighbor and to make adults and children happy.

*One color or not all colors* Of Atef Al-Samani, the history of the Battle of Karama will remember him as a patriotic Almoravid with a clear imprint of love for the homeland, who preferred to remain in the trials of war. in order to write his name in the notebook of national history in the light of this historical conspiracy that our beloved country is going through from the pretensions of the Dagalo family to investigate to a false democracy, in which the Sudanese have been divided into agents working for. militiamen, displaced persons, refugees or detainees and others who were killed despite not being guilty because their fault was being honorable citizens. We will continue to support the armed forces until the rebellion is defeated, and we will celebrate with it. the creative Karawan, Atef Al-Samani, the Day of the Great Victory.

Oh my God, help our brothers in the armed forces

Glory and eternity to our righteous martyrs

And death and annihilation for the rapid support militia

Sudanese soldiers will remain the best soldiers in the world

And I will write to the country until my last breath


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Allah says: –

In the name of God the Merciful

*Go, light and heavy, and fight with your riches and your souls in the cause of God. It would be better for you, if you only knew.

God's great truth


The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

*“Whoever dies while in the path of God, the righteousness that he did will be rewarded, and his livelihood will be rewarded to him, and he will be free from temptation, and God will raise him up on the day of the resurrection, sheltered from the greatest terror. »*

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