Authoritarian corruption and national battle ✍️ Rashan O'Shea

Since its inception, the State of 2019 AD has given “global public opinion” far more importance than local opinion. For her, public opinion is the Gulf, its platforms and its networks, and she supported it more than the local media, without interruption, hesitation or criticism.

In the same vein, it has become evident that there are several decision-making centers in the country. A few weeks ago, the Ministry of Information withdrew the licenses of Gulf channels and banned them from broadcasting from Sudan, in response to popular and media protests. under public pressure, and only two days later, he reversed his decision.

Perhaps one of the many crises in Sudan is the exploitation of influence to achieve personal goals. It should be noted that some employees of the Sovereignty Council and general offices exploited the war for private gains, thereby causing great harm to the country. They disrupted the functioning of institutions, withdrew their powers and abused their functions. One of them has controlled the palace media since the days of Al-Bashir, and another has immersed himself in corruption from head to toe. Whether it is administrative corruption or taking bribes, his name appears as bright as the sun. However, he benefits from the protection of the president, who grants him unlimited immunity which keeps him away from the clutches of justice, which makes him one of the best. demolition tools.

All these setbacks have not stopped courageous people from speaking out for the truth and making things right. We will never allow positions to be exploited to destroy the state. Besides, we know it. exposing corruption godfathers protected by state authorities while waging war against foreign-backed aggression is a difficult decision to make, but it is important to save the country and secure its best interests .

What is surprising is that official state television submitted more than one request to interview members of the Transitional Sovereignty Council. Three teams from the National Radio and Television Company went to the trouble of even Omdurman to interview “Al-Atta”. “They did not find an answer or even a positive or negative response, but some senior officials of the Sovereignty Council, who maintain suspicious relations with foreign circles, sent the team of the “Al-Hadath” channel, which broadcasts from the Emirates, on the front line to carry out a mission undertaken by the national media, who are working in extremely complex circumstances.

This is the same destructive approach to the state apparatus, including the media, that he has been following for five years. There is no time separate from another time, and no event emerges from the previous one. All the links in the river of time. to hold oneself by the neck in the waves of history.

All these official positions of exclusion towards national institutions demand that we understand what is happening in Sudan, honestly and deeply, today, and who are the parties that are moving these people, what are their drivers and what is the fuel that moves this immense authoritarian regime. machine…

However, saving the country from chaos and blockage takes precedence over the present moment, which raises a false slogan (Don't divide ranks… we are in a state of war, we will tear it apart and destroy it). if necessary, the fate of the Sudanese and their future are above all considerations. Man does not live from these false slogans, but rather from stability and security. This authoritarian machine used multiple means to obtain illicit gains, not to achieve well-being. of the Sudanese people.

My love and respect

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