Award announced for environmental sanitation in Shindi

The executive director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, announced a prize for environmental sanitation for which the administrative units of the locality will compete.

He said during the inauguration of the environmental sanitation campaign in Dim al-Qaray in Kabushi administrative unit that competition between administrative units in the field of services creates a kind of job satisfaction and improves the level of services.

He added that the administrative units will innovate in means and treatments to clean up the environment, and that the administrative unit that wins the prize will transfer its experience to others, and it may be an experience that will be generalized at the state and national levels, just as Shendi presented previous experience at the state and federal levels, just as Shendi presented experiences of mobilization, popular resistance and convoys in support of the armed forces.

Khaled emphasized that the environmental sanitation experiment launched in all units is work that involves social partnerships.

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