Bad analysis and its negative effects on the citizen and the country – the last treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyed

Analyzing news and events in a scientific manner through knowledge of the correct details from their original sources has specialist experts on the subject and in various fields, including but not limited to political, economic, military, sports and other types of various fields.

What prompted us to write on this topic was what we observed in various newspapers, websites and social media platforms of people calling themselves analysts in various fields. We still find them very active in groups and on social media platforms. they discuss and analyze news and topics according to their understanding, and they want to present and confirm their concepts. For everyone, they can get into endless controversies, and the danger of this comes from the fact that these groups of people carry out analyzes according to. their belief only and without knowledge, and in doing so, they sometimes devote themselves to erroneous concepts according to their analysis of the subject. Some simple people believe them in the matter, which contributes to the spread of erroneous information according to the opinion of the analyst. of the subject or subject.

The matter did not end there, but some of these individuals began to analyze military news and intervene in the analysis of military battles according to their beliefs. They even post them on electronic websites, and that's where they are considered a danger. threatens security and contributes to the dissemination of false and misleading news and provides a service to the rebel media or counter-media without their knowledge due to incorrect analyzes of the information and the attempt to prove it to the public as being the right one. social networks were not devoid of these theorists who called themselves analysts and critics through the websites.

These people often have an erroneous analysis of events, because they do not differentiate between fabricated information and mined information, which, due to their erroneous analysis, contributes to its dissemination, which serves the parties that sent the information indirectly, because they are discussing according to their culture only, without knowledge of the material, the course of the discussion, its exact details or its original sources, which results in It must contribute to spreading false and misleading information due to a incorrect analysis.

We say to these people, fear God in this people and in this country, because some of these analyzes mostly spread fear and panic, which are woven in a way to make them closer to reality and truth than lies, after being supported by some evidence to make it realistic.

We hope that these figures will leave the correct analyzes to the experts and specialists especially in the military field, war affairs or military movements, as they cannot tolerate any misanalysis or misinterpretation as it leads to counterproductive results for the relevant stakeholders. , including the army and military media, represented by moral orientations, are the most competent in analyzing military news, because this is their field. We say to these people, leave the analysis of various news and events to the experts and specialists in their field so as not to contribute to spreading fabricated and false news through incorrect analyses.

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