Bad guys for sale at low prices…..and the sorrows of the bastards and their henchmen..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

The partners who started the war and shed the forbidden blood of the bastard militia and their followers in (stunting), the rest of the choir of (singing), and the fools on the sidewalks of social networking sites , the priests of hypocrisy, the paid pens, and the group of cripples in the caves of the left and secularism, are the only ones responsible for the revival (of the market) of the buying and selling (of wicked) and their distance. Death has no worldly price or any other price than that. they will reach the beyond. It is strange that mercenaries see death and think it is a “picnic” when they are swarms of “dead locusts” and the mountains of Muwayya and the regions of Sennar and Al-Fasher are far. . So it is strange that the living among them think that their dead are “martyrs”. Then how can those who ((his soul will be lost through ignorance and folly, and whoever before (spoils) the earth and (destroys) the crops and the offspring, then how can he be freed (from God's punishment) who waits after death..?!! For each of the sellers, buyers, instigators and fools who commit these horrible crimes, God will show them their deeds (as regrets) in their place, and they will not come out of the Fire as God Almighty has promised to do it, and there is no power or strength except with God..!!*

*If the thug militias remain, in their origins, simple “murderers” and monsters, and they do not have the characteristics of “human beings”, yet what is even more “ugly and filthy”, it is that we find a group of sons and daughters of Sudan, “supporting” these killers, defending them and rejoicing in their crimes, and their consciences are not shaken by the “ugliness”. The militia kills the bodies of children, women, men and young people (with bullets). and beat the elderly. What kind of people are you and what is the difference between you and criminal thugs?!! Or are some of you not ashamed to write and speak openly in favor of murderers?!! Or has (the mercenary) blinded your sight and corrupted your hearts…? !! How did you enjoy eating and drinking with financial support (soaked) in the blood of innocent children…?!! God is enough for us, and He is the best arranger of affairs in you..!!

*The dwarves or shameless and all agents and scoundrels who support the bastard rebels, now perform the (brokerage) function in the market of buying and selling evil livelihoods so that the blood of the innocent continues to flow and the devastation spreads. , and from wherever they know it and do not know it, their conduct and their actions (shameful and treasonous) towards the country and the people and the murder of children who (their bodies were torn apart) by the bullets of the degenerate rebels. you have the dignity to denounce the crimes of rebellion and condemn them with an eloquent tongue, then nothing less than to remain silent, to shut your (immoral) tongues, to muffle your (trembling) pens, and to know that you will only reap remorse in this world and in the hereafter, because your destinies are dark, and God forbid..!!*.

*We will write and write…!!!*

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