Basabir's supporters, Hajar al-Asal, intercept the governor's convoy, rejoicing in the army's victories and the cleansing of southern areas of the state of pockets of rebellion.
![Basabir's supporters, Hajar al-Asal, intercept the governor's convoy, rejoicing in the army's victories and the cleansing of southern areas of the state of pockets of rebellion.](
Crowds in southern Basabir intercepted Nile Governor Muhammad al-Badawi Abdel Majid's convoy as it headed to Hajar al-Asal, marking the opening of public facilities and operation of services in Hajar al-Asal.
The Nile Governor and the delegation accompanying him could not stop responding to the masses in a number of villages from Al-Zarq to the northern villages of Hajar Al-Asal, as they addressed the defenses and the basics.
The Nile Governor praised the armed forces who have been able to perfect their skills and techniques in the management of military battles, and the victories achieved thanks to the great cohesion between the army and the Sudanese people, from which the popular resistance has been created. born, which started from the Nile State and spread to all the states of Sudan.
The masses who intercepted the governor's convoy in several villages of Al-Basabir and Hajar Al-Asal in the areas of Al-Hamidab, Al-Omda, Al-Wadi Al-Saeed and Al-Kandariya expressed their joy over to the great and successive victories won by the armed forces in Al-Jazeera, Khartoum and at the Al-Jili refinery.
They affirmed their confidence in the armed forces which are leading the fight for dignity to cleanse the country of the dirt of rebellion.
Some villages came out to welcome the governor's procession with juices, sweets and dates, in addition to hooting, takbirs, cheers and one army, one people, which was a common denominator among all the masses villages crossed by the governor's procession. pass.