Because of the bullets, the joyful songs of victories turn into sorrows – On Low Fire – ✍🏽 Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

β­• Shendi City witnessed moments of immense joy after the news of the release of the refinery spread, which resonated with hoots of joy, as hoots of joy filled the streets and citizens wished enjoy a better life away from the spectrum. violence and restore their dignity, which the Janjaweed had squandered, and they called for rapid support. Unfortunately, these joys did not last long, as they were met with irresponsible behavior on the part of some activists and those who carried weapons, which undermined public security in the region. Moments of celebration turned into tragedies in the blink of an eye, following uncalculated actions that left behind a large number of injured people.

β­• Those mobilized did not realize that their actions would have a significant impact on the security situation in the city. The hoots of joy led to the arrival of large groups of mobilized people who flouted the law, adding an additional burden to the security forces. These actions showed a lack of respect for citizens' rights and resulted in chaos and a random shooting battle.

Accidents caused by reckless shooting left many injured, and alarming reports emerged that one of the victims had died in hospital. These events force us to think seriously about how to deal with armed forces that threaten the security of ordinary citizens. The social and psychological consequences resulting from these behaviors can be long-term.

β­• We must review and determine how weapons are distributed, to whom they are delivered and what the receipt is.

β­• Weapon bearers must understand their primary role: to protect society and not cause harm. They must follow the laws set by the government to ensure safety and security. Failure to comply with these laws could lead to a loss of trust between the citizen and the security services.

β­• The army plays a key role in restoring security and stability, particularly in the triangular capital. Soldiers made great sacrifices to ensure the safety of citizens. These efforts must be sustained to build trust between the military and society.

Incidents of violence and instability are directly linked to the presence of the Janjaweed, armed groups that negatively affect the lives of citizens. These groups instill fear and exploit chaos to increase their influence. It is necessary to vigorously address these groups to keep everyone safe.

β­•We must all work together to ensure the security and stability of our country. Being responsible is the key to creating a better future. We must all join hands to address current challenges and restore the joy that citizens deserve.

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