Believe it or not, the Bank of Sudan pays the salaries of the regular forces of the Al-Malim Circle ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

A truth that many people miss. The Bank of Sudan is committed to paying the salaries of the regular forces, the army, the police, the general intelligence and the Al-Mileem district, on time and without delay.

Before the war, the Bank of Sudan had managed to stabilize the dollar exchange rate with a portfolio of strategic products, petroleum products, medicines and wheat flour, worth one billion dollars.

The new current portfolio is open to all national and foreign banks, financiers and businessmen, and to anyone who wishes to do so, contrary to the rumor that it is monopolized by the Bank of Khartoum alone.

Bank of Khartoum is owned by a Sudanese businessman named Khader Mohamed Khair, who holds the majority of shares along with other partners.

Despite the war conditions, the banking system is still functioning well and banks are operating normally in terms of deposits, withdrawals and other business activities.

Borrowing from the banking system, which the Ministry of Finance is currently resorting to, can help solve the problem immediately, but it has negative economic effects.

Unfortunately, the Ministry of Finance (sleeping on honey) always resorts to easy solutions, and Madaira innovates by proposing alternative solutions to remedy this defect.

The strategic goods portfolio alone cannot stabilize the dollar exchange rate. Other parties bear the same responsibility, which is why this issue should be left to the Bank of Sudan alone.

Friendly and brotherly countries were completely unable to extend a helping hand and assistance in solving the economic problem, only promises (ropes without cows).


Economic warfare is more ferocious than direct warfare on the battlefield between warring parties, and it requires concerted official and popular efforts.

Changing the currency is a very complicated matter and requires long procedures because the companies operating in this field are limited in the world and provide this service to all countries according to specific schedules. In addition to this step, it requires huge financial endowments.

Rapid Support did not own any companies in its name in Animal Wealth Bank and Gulf Bank, and this is an abstract fact that the public must know and fully understand.

The increase in banking capital is necessary, which certainly helps to broaden the scope of expansion in all economic areas and advance the national economy.

The collapse of the banking system is a lie that has been repeated by ill-intentioned people in order to undermine trust between banks and customers, but the resilience of the banking system throughout the war was realistic evidence that the banking system will not be strengthened by war, except by a force beyond its strength.

The agreement and support of all banks to the Bank of Sudan and the adherence to its strict directives during the war period have strengthened the position of Sudanese banks and given them hope.

Changing and modifying the name of the Animal Wealth Bank (which is very restricted) has become very important, in order to advance the bank and work in various economic fields, especially at the time of the new general manager of the bank, the economic expert, Damantaser Al-Aqib, who came out of the banking system and progressed naturally in its structure to become the leader of the Animal Wealth Bank, did not come to this site without any compliments, tribal quotas or a political decision imposed on the bank.

The entire Animal Wealth Bank file is before the Governor of the Bank of Sudan, Borai Al-Siddiq, in which he will soon issue a decision to change its name and grant it permission to launch.

Benefiting from banks during their presence in the city of Port Sudan to contribute to the development and development of the Red Sea State, especially in solving the problems of drinking water and electricity, is a matter of utmost importance. Banks must prepare and stand ready in this file.

According to the vision of the Bank of Sudan, the Land Bank will have the responsibility to restore what was destroyed by the war in government facilities and citizens' homes. This certainly requires a clear vision and a clearly defined work plan to lead the Land Bank. prepare plans and programs for this mission.

The Bank of Sudan bears the bankruptcy of all economic institutions that failed to fulfill their role, especially the Federal Ministry of Finance, which failed to provide salaries from its resources, which forced the bank to perform this task, due to the specific circumstances that the country is going through. It is not one of the tasks of the Bank of Sudan, illegally or ethically, to pay the salaries of state workers.

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