Between the multiplicity of platforms and the blackout, the facts are lost – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

Anyone who looks at the Sudanese scene will see that the media is the weakest link in this war, which has pushed the rebel media to exploit the situation and spread misleading and fabricated information through the newspapers, which is considered psychological warfare, which has caused confusion on the scene and confirmed information has been lost amidst this mass of news in the newspapers.

Even the media itself is struggling to get confirmed information after seeking confirmation from multiple sources, in light of the silence of the official media.

Social media has played a leading role in this media disinformation due to the flow of information, some of which is fabricated, causing the truth to be lost amidst the flow of this amount of information and news.

The uncertainty has contributed to the spread of rumors due to the delay in the dissemination of confirmed information, which leads the misleading media of the rebellion to fabricate and disseminate the information, which forces the official authorities, instead of disseminating the same information, to return, but to deny and justify the news coming from abroad after it has been modified and fabricated by the one who sent it.

Giving the facts back to the media and media professionals is the only solution to remove this ambiguity. If the journalist is the same person that the citizen expects to disseminate the information, we find him looking for a confirmed information in the midst of the huge amount of information and he finds it. It is difficult to find it easily. Thus, most of the information loses its credibility and the truth is lost on social media platforms, which contributes to the confusion of the media and political scene.

Well, the government has recently unified the state media discourse through the platform of the official government spokesperson, which will help to disseminate correct and confirmed information from its original sources and lead to the return of the credibility of the information instead of chasing ambassadors to know the state news.

The state must activate and create its own websites and cooperate with national activists to help spread positive information and close the door to the rebellion media so that they do not spread their poison on the platforms.

The state must also pay attention to the media, because it now needs it in the face of this fierce media war against the country. We all know now the tendency of countries supporting the rebellion to turn to the media after the defeat and withdrawal of the country. militias on the ground in the face of the strikes and the valor of the armed forces.

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