Between the people, the army and all the fighters… an indissoluble common will…. Burhan, use all the force without hesitation..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

The most important thing in the scene of the Battle of Karama is that people (trust) their army and all other fighting factions, and understand that a decisive (victory) is inevitably coming, no matter what the nights indicate and how. the clash becomes fierce. The people are accustomed to finding their army in all situations honorable, and this defeat is forbidden to them, and history is present and testifies to this… So far, all the details of the battle say that the rebellion is about to “disappear” and that its current orgy is nothing but “dreams of zalut” and frivolity of a massacred person… The rebellion is essentially nothing but “mercenaries and thieves” who have entered the war with “evil” spirits and the illicit gains that have entered their pockets. If they lose their earnings and their lives, and lose this world and the hereafter, then what a miserable lot you are, you bastards… As for on earth, all they have left is their (weak) merchandise) of lies and rumors produced by (the lazy earner) inside the rooms of the gangs, and they think guiltily that it has (divided) the support of the (close) relationship between the people and the army, so what is your (unfortunate) luck with these (cheap) goods and these (coconut) defeats that haunt you all the time..!!*

* What remains required of the state leadership is not to delay in using all “possible force” to complete the eradication of the cancer of the rebellion. The evidence does not believe that the militias have a “spirit” to govern, as proven by their crimes. , and therefore there is no point in waiting for them (to govern) for a reason that they already lack, because they are “like cattle” and even further from the path. The military leadership must also commit itself to (partnership) between itself and the people in this war and respond to (their will) in the need (to crush) the rebellion relentlessly, Burhan… Commitment to the will of the people means (building trust) between the two countries. the people and the army, and then fail. The plan to (discriminate) between them… We want the leaders to remain firm in their declared positions and not (negotiate) or communicate with the criminal militia and all those who (support) it and beat (the drums) of ruin and chaos for it..!!

*The victories of the army and the rest of the fighters in the battles of the War of Dignity, (enrage) the enemies and (rejoice) the people, so that they become more (convinced) that the final victory is (close) to them, and they engage more in the necessity of (ending the rebellion), without delaying or waiting for them to respond, because this is (a fragmentation) of a criminal act that will benefit them only by their determination and their cutting forever. . So think, O leaders of the army, and you who demand (a negotiation) or a road map for an agreement with them, and Sudan (will not collapse) as long as its division and its army are in the heart of one man, and (determination) does not waver, and insistence on… Honorable victory..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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