Beyond Geneva – Scattered Fragments – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasr al-Din al-Lawyer

The American interest in the Geneva negotiations and the steps aimed at accelerating them with the American acquiescence and concessions and their recognition of Burhan's presidential status are proof of the existence of “traps” behind the lines and the fact that there are “scattered fragments” that have fallen on a large part of the wall of trust between them.

The government delegation traveled to Jeddah to discuss the Geneva negotiations and Blinken’s call with Al-Burhan. The focus on this issue is evidence that the US administration is bypassing alternatives. The language of interests trumps the interest in the suffering of the Sudanese people. and will certainly not be conducive to a satisfactory end to the hopes of the Sudanese.

Al-Burhan refused to prepare for the meeting scheduled to discuss the agenda of the Geneva talks in Switzerland and insisted on his grandfather's position. Blinken submitted to President Al-Burhan's insistence. This is the victory that comforted the hearts of the Sudanese. Here, a strong voice must be raised by not allowing President Al-Burhan to sit with the US Secretary of State except inside Sudan. This is a protocol approach that affects the sovereignty of the state.

International mobilization and regional alignment to complete the Geneva negotiations must be considered by the current government with the eye of the needle, without excessive openness or disruptive stagnation, taking into account common interests at the strategic and long-term level, as the Sudanese people are too formidable for alternative agendas to be imposed on them.

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