Bit all_b… Geneva! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

What I like about the Sudanese government is that it is very adamant about several no's that the mediators must implement and respect, and the militias also adhere to them before the government's negotiating delegation sets foot on the ground in Geneva, including these patriots. This situation reminds me of the poet's saying when he sang to describe the lion: The rich man walks softly in the desert… as if he were an ace who probes Alila, no…. For my life, it is the no of pride, not of breaking… the no of the strong, not of the weak… the no of the one who always takes the initiative… the no of the one who fights for the land, honor and soil… the no of sincere men… no the no of those who suckled in the bosom of the work into which milk was poured! They consider themselves purebred national horses, but when they want to (neigh)… they (neigh)!

Invincibility and pride when the Sudanese government insisted on removing the Emirates from the group of mediators, and this reminds me here of the Sudanese proverb (Do not let the sea be good)! This means that whoever is a party to the conflict or dispute is not fit to be part of (the team) of Judiya, and this is a well-known rule. It is the UAE that manufactured the equipment and equipment of the militia. in exchange for the yellow from which it has become rich and still continues. And whoever denies it, he can be described as having a dull neck! He has surpassed Habanga in his monotony, and he must take (Balanga)! In front of him, the UAE wants to have a position that will be appreciated when negotiating other economic gains and they want to erase their major sin, in which the government filed a complaint with the United Nations for supporting the rebellion. It is known that Iraq compensated Kuwait before and after. If Saddam wanted to make it a new Iraqi province, America had previously compensated Vietnam when it invaded the United Arab Emirates. As a mediator, he would undoubtedly lean heavily in favor of the militias, but he does not have a solid negotiating base that could pave the way for a solution.

No, for not implementing the conditions of Jeddah stipulated by the Sudanese government for the Janja to leave the homes of citizens and other government agencies. This is a very important condition. How can the Sudanese citizen be satisfied with the negotiations of his government? whose negotiations they are negotiating lives in his house and settles in a military barracks. They caused serious damage to his land and took possession of him when he was wronged. This condition is absolutely certain. This is the opinion of all Sudanese people if you ask him.

To put an end to the random blogs that the militia continues to publish about civilians, and which have multiplied in the days preceding the neighborhoods of Omdurman and other villages in several areas, a behavior that appeared after the terrible defeat suffered in some areas.

From my platform, I look… where I see… The Sudanese government is increasingly insistent on its conditions and it is clear that raising these no's is the appropriate ceiling in which it can consider sending a delegation to Geneva. Let Beriloa and those who accompany him understand that no matter what they plan without the presence of the Sudanese government, their planning will be a failure. (Say something like that to those who do not have it. Hadidah) and let them know this saying (a dress for a patriot is broken)!

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