Bleeding – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

It is surprising that the rebellion covers large areas

It is open and cleared by anyone…

He reaches Sinjah from remote outposts of the state

Sennar, Gezira, Eastern Nile…

The fall of the city represented a level of escalation

Military and civilian, this has repercussions…

This gave the rebellion a huge morale boost that it lacked.

Made him dream about the future…

He displaced people and wreaked havoc on the city…

Bahr Abyad, Gedaref Damazin, Marmi

His fire…

The question is whether each group will defend…

Its zone with air support divides…

The method of rebellion through war is known to a shepherd

Lamb in the open air (fear)…

He supports his units if they face an attacking force

Or very defensive…

It quickly gathers to attack or defend itself…

When the battle ends, he returns to his positions…

The plan was rehearsed several times and was not changed once…

A logical question that compassionate people ask themselves every day.

How the rebellion cut off all the vast areas

And he who was exposed arrived at Sinja…

The same plan when the island fell…

It happened again in Sinja and we have paid the price now…

Opening the door to conspiracy, treason, collusion…

Questions that come to mind in difficult circumstances…

A fatal disappointment to the point of pain and fear…

He sneaks up on them and those bastards keep moving forward…

Isn't it better to keep the fighting away from…

Cities have serious repercussions…

Throughout history, generals have hated war.

Cities are expensive…

For fear that the population will pay a very high price…

Because it is characterized by brutality, destruction and devastation…

The armies do their best to avoid their atrocities.

Most of the urban warfare he studied

Soldiers beat the attacker…

This highlights the ugly face of urban warfare…

The return of a neighborhood, of a city after the fall, its effects

Serious and painful…

Its inhabitants are afflicted and devastated.

Poverty and lack of energy…

Houses, buildings and institutions were destroyed…

Hopes, dreams, people crawling into the unknown…

They were shocked, shocked and saddened…

The rebellion exploited social and regional differences

Before me, he used it to his advantage…

There are traitors in the regions who support him from the moment he enters…

With authoritarian, material and rhetorical temptations

A hatred based on imaginary grievances…

As soon as they enter, they sow chaos and corruption…

A repeated scenario, we always see it with our own eyes…

We have no choice but to pray with a dry heart…

The army must win a major victory to restore

Feel the momentum…

To bring a little smile back to stiff lips…

And some laughter with eyes tired from staying up late…

A breeze blows from the breeze of the long wind…

And a little healing from nerve-wracking injuries…

Al-Burhan's speech yesterday in Bamdurman obliges him

Follow the word with action…

Men were good at doing things, not at talking…

A soldier was asked where he preferred to fight

If he had to say…

I can destroy a forest but I won't get it

So destroy a city…

Victory comes only from God Almighty…

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