Blue Nile Health Insurance and World Health Organization launch primary health care services for displaced and war-affected people

The National Health Insurance Fund, the Blue Nile region branch and the World Health Organization this morning inaugurated primary health care services for displaced people and people affected by war, which is accompanied by funding from the World Health Organization for 3 health insurance funds in the region. The inauguration took place in the presence of the Minister of Health and the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, as well as the director of the World Health Organization in the region and several health and health insurance departments of branch.

Addressing the inauguration of the program, Mr. Gamal Nasser, Minister of Health of the region, expressed his appreciation for the efforts of organizations working in the field of health for their continuous interventions in the face of conditions experienced by citizens , calling for teamwork among relevant authorities to bring health to safety.

For his part, Dr. Arafat Al-Sadiq, Commissioner of the Humanitarian Aid Commission, explained that the Commission works in coordination with organizations working in the region to fill the gaps in all areas.

Dr. expressed. Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Awad, director of the branch, expressed appreciation for the World Health Organization's initiative to provide services to the affected and displaced people, indicating that the branch had already started providing services to expatriates via the Wafid card, designed and issued to expatriates from affected states so that they can receive medical services via the various ports.

” added Dr. Abu Medin Omar, representative of the World Health Organization, said that the project came to contribute to easing the pressure on health services in light of the current circumstances the country is going through, highlighting the organization's efforts to localize services in coordination with the relevant authorities to meet the needs of the people concerned.

For his part, Dr. said: Sawsan Omar, Director of the Department of Primary Health Care at the Ministry of Health, said that the region hosts a large number of expatriates, which requires providing them with medical services, indicating that primary care is the basis of service delivery, thanking the World Health Organization. and health insurance for the start of the work, hoping that this will help reduce the burden on the targeted people.


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