Blue Nile Health Insurance Provides Medical Aids to Primary School Certificate Examination Centers

In continuation of the efforts made by the National Health Insurance Fund, Blue Nile Region branch, towards the different segments, Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Awad, Director of the branch, handed over first aid boxes to the Department of Primary Education of the governorate of Damazin, in the presence of those responsible for national education and health insurance services of the governorate, today in the meeting room of the branch.

Al-Siddiq explained that the boxes contain medicines and first aid supplies that students may need during the exam period in 39 centers, in addition to 25 boxes of aid for girls, highlighting the availability of health insurance in its various centers to accommodate sick students and teachers during the exam period, expressing appreciation for the efforts of the Ministry of Education in the implementation of exams in light of… The current circumstances that crosses the country, calling for success and the payment of candidates and a harmful victory for the armed forces to liberate what remains of the country from filth. Rebellion.

For his part, Mr. Jalal Omar Nasser, director of primary education in the governorate of Al-Damazin, expressed his appreciation for health insurance, indicating that this aid will contribute positively to the stability of the conduct of exams in the governorate , hoping that the exams will go as planned.

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