Brigadier General Darmod – A story of heroism – ✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Hamza

Dear dear reader, it is with great pride and pride that I watch your splendid appearance with the story of the heroism of one of the men of the armed forces of our people… the hero, Brigadier General Darmud, son of the Misseriya, whose name we have decorated the title of this article in honor of this article…

I am convinced that the story of the heroism of Brigadier General Darmod will serve as an antidote to all kinds of frustrations caused by the practices of traitors and agents affiliated with our political parties who still conspire against their homeland, their people and their families in the country. capitals of evil, as we mentioned in a previous article entitled

……..our celebrations, our sorrows…..

His Excellency Brigadier General Darmoud, second in command of the 189th Division in Babanusa and Misseriya.

On your right, oh hero… oh man, and men are few… oh knight of knights… This is your right and what you deserve, oh descendant of the Misseriya… Brigadier General Darmud , the letters to write, I can't find… the words to express, I can't find, the sentences to explain, I can't find… the letters have been lost, the words have fled and the sentences have recognized defeat and neglect… No party will be able to assert your rights for your heroic positions regarding your denunciation, condemnation and valiant and firm confrontation that Rukban and the Arabs speak of for all the crimes of rapid support against the Sudanese people, with all their tribes and social networks. components, of murder, pillage, pillage, rape, occupation and destruction of public and private property…

The story of your heroism began with the preparation of your shroud at the command of the 189th Division at Babanusa and your desperate defense of it, of your homeland and your people, and even your audio recording in which you condemned without reserves treason and exploitation of civil administrations. of your tribe…the Misseriya tribe…for this impartiality, no one will be able to reward you, as generously as he grants you the enjoyment of this mortal world, and I have showered upon you the abundance of. high-ranking military officers, and I can think of nothing better than for the bereaved and oppressed Sudanese people to tell you, calling you by your name. May God reward you with kindness and goodness, oh hero, for every true word you have said in this audio. recording, as you address this harsh and frank criticism of the leaders of civil administrations to your people in their hearts, to the seven blue Misseriya who sold themselves to the devil of Rapid Support and became a pillar. You, hero, have disavowed your shame. positions, and the bond of kinship and blood did not prevent you from shooting lava and painful missiles at them from the cannon of truth that you carry… And this position of men that you took without courtesy meant that many of those who listened were genuinely angry. For this recording they say as if for the first time we are hearing a verse from the Book of God as if it were revealed today, as the Lord Almighty says…..

…Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your clan, the wealth that you have acquired, the commerce that you fear will decline, and the homes that you enjoy are more beloved to you than God and His Messenger and fighting for His cause, then wait until God brings His command and God does not guide disobedient people.

In the past one of the counselors said… We are commanded to know men by the truth, but we do not know the truth through men, for the truth is an explosion, and a lie is fury , and on the truth there is an explosion. a light… You, O troubled hero, have relieved, with these strong words of yours… you have greatly eased the pain of the great affliction, and you have dried many tears of the widows, the bereaved and perplexed victims of support crimes. The fast women who found refuge in you when men failed to help them and hid behind banners such as… No to war… No to senseless war… I am neutral and others excuses and burdens… And they didn't have enough courage, so out of cowardice and fear, they wore a blouse, a skirt, an abaya and a dress, and chose to stand on the wrong side of the history and they chose to be men. , not men, and not all men are men. On the contrary, these men failed, and I repeat, there is no hope…those who failed will emulate the martyr Bint Madani, Nahla Muhammad Othman, who was part of the rapid support. rapists approached her, she hit him with an iron bar, so he shot her and she became a martyr For the gardens of eternity…

With these heroic positions, Brigadier General Darmod…may God elevate you in honor and honor and raise your reputation among the people as a source of pride for you, for the womb that gave birth to you and for the father who gave you birth. raised. and instilled in you the values ​​of steadfastness and profitable trade with your Lord, and protected you, thank God, from walking in the path of those who sell lost sales, like traitors to the fatherland, agents of embassies and slaves. money.forbidden…

With these honorable positions, Your Excellency Brigadier General Darmod, you have placed a collar of honor to the right of all the heroes of the Battle of Karamah, both civilians and soldiers, everyone wishes to emulate your noble deeds, your noble qualities and . to imitate you. In the past, it was said, imitating men is a success…

Finally, I ask God to protect you as an asset to your country, your family and your people, and you deserve all the honors of the Sudanese people. May God honor you in this world and the hereafter and make heaven your home, oh. lion of men…

Dr Abbas Taha Hamza

University of Khartoum

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