Burhan,,,, what's wrong??????? ✍️ Ali Al-Fatih Al-Zubair

Abdel Fattah Abdel Rahman Al-Burhan was born in 1960 in the village of Kandtu in the Nile State of northern Sudan, into a religious family that owes allegiance to the Khatmiyya order, one of the Sufi orders in Sudan, and is the religious wing of the Democratic Unionist Party led by Muhammad Othman Al-Mirghani. Al-Burhan studied primary and secondary school in his village schools and later moved to the city of Shendi to complete his education before joining the Sudanese Military College as an officer in the 31st class.

After graduating from the Military College, Abdel Fattah worked in the capital, Khartoum, in the Sudanese army units, in addition to his participation in the combat fronts of the Darfur War, as well as in South Sudan and other regions. He then went to Egypt and then Jordan to take training courses in his military field until in 2018 he was appointed commander of the army's land forces.

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan has held several positions throughout his career. He started as an officer in the Border Guard Forces, then rose to become the commander of the Border Guard before becoming the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations of the Land Forces and then the Chief of Staff of the Forces within the Land Forces. the Sudanese Army in February 2018 before serving as the Inspector General of the Army for a time. On February 26, 2019, during the massive protests that swept the country and demanded the overthrow of the Omar al-Bashir regime; the latter promoted Abdel Fattah Burhan from the rank of Lieutenant General to Lieutenant General.

Al-Burhan oversaw Sudanese forces in Yemen in coordination with Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, commander of the Rapid Support Forces

He then rebelled against the Sudanese army… within the Arab coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 2015.

By April 12, 2019; After the rejection of the Sudanese people: Awad bin Auf to head the Transitional Military Council, following the latter's announcement of the resignation of former President Omar al-Bashir a day ago. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan was appointed the new chairman of the Transitional Military Council by Awad bin Auf himself, who said in a speech broadcast on state television: “I, the chairman of the Transitional Military Council, announce that I will relinquish this position and choose someone whose experience and competence I trust to secure the ship, and after reflection and consultation, I announce… Choosing Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan Abdel Rahman to succeed me as chairman of the Transitional Military Council.”

This is where the definition that has circulated and gone around the globe on the personality of the first team ends: Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

Since the outbreak of war in Sudan on April 15, 2023

The majority of the Sudanese people remained, and still are, fully convinced that the army led by Al-Burhan will prevail over all these conspiracies behind which countries, blocs and agents at home and abroad hide, even in the corridors and houses of government institutions, as explained by the first team: Yasser Al-Atta, not long ago, we did not see at that time or after a series of expected measures, except in a narrow framework that did not respond to the urgency of achieving a solid basis for subsequent victories, including alleviating the suffering of citizens and confronting the economic war that is no less fierce than the war of arms by occupying cities and targeting the citizen (himself, his honor and his money) and this is only possible.

By cleaning the state apparatus of infiltrators, traitors and harmonious people who do not want good for this country and its good people, until a tragedy befell us, the beginning of a collapse of the national currency, which exacerbated the suffering of the people, the majority of whom became (displaced, plundered) Possibilities, helpless and heartbroken…)

The person of Sudan was and still is patient and patient, alongside its army, its joint forces and mobilized, with everything it has, preserving what unites the people and does not divide them under the leadership of Lieutenant General Al-Burhan.

However, I noticed these days in Asafir a significant number of army supporters, in the person of Burhan, frustrated and saddened by what was happening in the United States.

(Al-Jazeera, Sennar and the targeting of innocent citizens in our beloved West), with the fall of garrisons, divisions and cities, and the resulting violations, killings, displacements and heartbreaking pain.

And all this, and the state leadership, starting with the chairman of the Sovereignty Council, through the Minister of Information and the official spokesman of the Armed Forces, do not at that moment come out with a statement or speech that consoles and condoles the masses of those whose children and even their elders died, whose sanctity was violated, tortured and plundered from time to time, after each invasion of the Tatar hordes in the third millennium…

Writers, activists and citizens who support and support the Homeland Army wonder, after every accident and the pain in their hearts, why Al-Burhan, or his representative, or even the Minister of Information, do not come forward, or even express their grief, in a written telegram that circulates in the media!! Comforting them in all these great calamities, even with a statement or a short video, which costs them only a simple click. !!!..Doesn't this sadden us, those who were killed and whose blood was shed?? Isn't this blood expensive??? Don't all these pure souls deserve, at least, the condolences of their families, through electronic platforms, and not to seek them out and meet them, because the one who remains of them remains wandering on his face, his roof is the sky, and his bed is the Earth, where are they found, and where are they found???

Many current question marks and issues, declared or not, require justification which may not convince many members of this poor, helpless and afflicted people.

We ask God to be kind to those who remain…

This is one of the most expressive poems, lamenting and consoling those who have lost their loved ones. Al-Khansa says:

Oh my eye, what is wrong with you that you are not crying to overflowing?

When eternity passed and eternity was uncertain

So weep for your brother, for the orphans and the widow

And make your brother cry when you are near strangers

And make your brother cry because he's nervous as a cat

When they fled, they fled and plundered

A swimmer rushes with his mounts

Dressed in the dark of night

Until it becomes a group of people to fight against

Or they will be plundered without the ranks of the people

He's the perfect boy who protects his truth

The shelter of a stranger if he comes in distress

He guides people when their path is difficult

The night sighed because it was hard to move

Glory is its cause and generosity is its cause

Honesty is his possession, even if his horn is weak

A speech at a dark conference

If he fears a dilemma, he will open a door for him

A carrier of valleys, a sector of valleys

An Effective Testimony for Students to Perform Witr Prayer

The poison of the enemy and the jaws of the stubborn, then

He faced the attack and had no fear of death

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