By all organizational standards, public administration, culture and media disappear in memory of the beloved Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace.

🟒 The celebration, organized by the General Administration of Culture and Information, saw a strong participation from various segments of society, as participants gathered in an atmosphere characterized by liveliness and respect, celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

🟒 This occasion was an opportunity to renew loyalty and love for the Prophet and appreciation for his great personality, and it was an opportunity to strengthen the values ​​of religion and respect among different segments of society.

🟒 The celebration was organized in a distinguished manner and was attended by a large number of political and executive figures, including the Executive Director of Shendi Locality and a host of leaders of the Third Infantry Division. A number of intellectuals and members of the media were also present, which gave the event a distinctive and meaningful character that reflects the importance of the occasion among the people. The participants were warmly welcomed and roles were distributed among the speakers to reflect the pride of this grand celebration.

🟒 Participated in the celebration, leading the ranks of the executive director of the locality of Shendi and its administration, he spoke to the participants about the importance of the event and thanked the general administration for this work, praised the efforts of the media and motivated them to continue this work. Also, the representative of the 3rd Infantry Division, Major General Abdel Nasser Salah Hassan, spoke in the same spirit and mentioned that the celebration and celebration, rather this memory and the fragrant biography of the Chosen and the Beloved, may God bless him and grant him peace, is a Sudanese spirit that appreciates and knows its virtues and believes in its message.

🟒 Professor Babakr Sayed Al-Azraq welcomed all the participants and stressed the greatness of the occasion and that his administration used to organize it every year and on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him and his family and all his companions.

🟒 The paragraphs were distributed in an organized manner, with praises and religious songs that fully express the quality of what was presented, which is the message of the content that the General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications of Shendi Locality is working on.

🟒 The celebration was attended by a large number of executive leaders and political figures. There was also a prominent representation from the education departments, led by Dr. Muhammad Musa, Director of the Foundation Phase, and Professor Al-Naqr Majzoub. This significant presence reflects the leadership's great interest in cultural and religious issues and reinforces the role of society in celebrating these great occasions.

🟒 The celebration included speeches by the guests in which they reviewed the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the importance of celebrating his birth. Emphasis was placed on the values ​​of mercy and tolerance propagated by the Prophet, as well as the role of cultural and religious figures in promoting these values. The speakers also stressed the need to adhere to the biography of the Prophet as a reference for many human and religious values.

🟒 The celebration saw successive religious segments of praise to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, which helped fill the atmosphere with spirituality and sincerity. The participants in the segments and their singing of praise poems brought joy and happiness to the souls of the participants and strengthened the bonds between society and religion. These paragraphs reminded everyone of the importance of reviving religious values ​​in daily life.

🟒 The audience also discussed the role of the Prophet's biography in culture and society, as conversations revolved around how to apply this biography in daily life. The importance of the biography has become a source of deep religious and cultural understanding for new generations. The speakers stressed the need to teach future generations about the life and morals of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

The General Administration of Culture and Media has proven its ability to organize successful cultural events, as this celebration is a clear example. Its awareness of the importance of these occasions indicates its commitment to stimulating cultural and religious awareness in society.

🟒 Tonight was presented a creative connection between the handsome young man who embarked on a path of distinction and brilliance, our colleague Abdel Wahab Abdel Moneim (Al-Saqqa) and the brilliant star of the broadcaster Zainab Abu Bakr.

🟒 These events are an integral part of the government's efforts to promote the values ​​of coexistence and tolerance among citizens.

🟒 There was a great deal of interaction between citizens and followers of Sufi orders, which gave the celebration a dual public character.

Their expression of joy and pride in faith through these activities reflects their belonging to the faith and cultural heritage. These participations have contributed to strengthening social ties and confirming the cultural and religious identity of the region.

🟒 At the end of the celebration, this night was special in every way, as the importance of celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was highlighted. Everyone expressed their joy at these events that illustrate the depth of the connection between religious values ​​and cultural manifestations in society. The public administration has proven its ability to organize major events that bring society together and promote its humanitarian values ​​and principles.

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