Cairo Conference is the first gateway to stop the war and build the Sudanese state ✍️ Al-Zein Kandowa

_ Due to my firm belief that the war of April 15, 2023 was caused by the real political difference between the components of the forces of freedom and change and the deliberate exclusion of some of them by adopting a war of all against all and implementing the policies aimed at breaking bones among the civilian components, and people drowned in a sea of ​​frustration and insults towards each other, and they became ignorant in forming power structures to achieve a smooth democratic transition of power.

In my opinion, all these problems and tensions that marred the transitional period were enough to open (secret doors) for the infiltration of many local, regional and international parties, which are certainly not satisfied with the political, social and economic stability of the Sudanese. That is why it worked to fuel these differences, and its active role was manifested in unilateralizing some parties to implement the greatest number of sabotage plans against the Sudanese state with a strategic dimension in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa, and aborting them. the great revolution of December. This actually happened with the outbreak of the war (April 15, 2023).

_ And in particular the conviction, I believe that the first very necessary approach to end this war that is currently taking place, is to sit down between all the components of the forces of freedom and change between them, starting with and without any exclusion. , and a tribal agenda other than the national agenda that leads to ending this damn and absurd war, and as soon as possible, and with urgency also in the implementation of a political agreement between all Sudanese components (political / civil / social / military). in order to build a unified and democratic Sudan that welcomes everyone.

In this context, it is possible that people will return to the (Hamdok/Al-Burhan) agreement signed on (November 21, 2021), which emerged from a Sudanese-Sudanese movement after the decisions of (October 25, 2021), and it is possible to approach it as a preliminary roadmap, to be developed according to the current circumstances and developments of the last period of the Sudanese state.

_ Therefore, the Cairo conference that took place between the Sudanese components, and whatever statements were made on this subject by the two conferences, is in my opinion considered an important turning point in stopping the war that has greatly exhausted all the Sudanese people, and eliminated (the green and the dry).

I say very frankly that the Sudanese people are convinced that this war will not end except with a political agreement between the Sudanese political components, and that the Sudanese political forces must pay attention to their future before the sword of time catches up with them. , and I give them a warning: if they do not agree among themselves as soon as possible, it is possible, and there have been developments during the battles, preceded by the military parties (Al-Burhan – Hemedti – the leaders of the armed struggle movements) for any agreement that would end the war and establish a confident governance of the Sudanese state in a participatory manner. I am certain that Sudan will not do it (see another civil rule for the Day of Judgment).

It should be noted that there are local, regional and international parties that prefer that the military reach an agreement among themselves as quickly as possible, in order to combine immediate, interim and strategic interests.

– Therefore, I see that there is an absolute necessity that obliges the parties of the political forces in Cairo to conduct a serious dialogue among themselves, to abandon all the previous “zero divergences and disagreements” and to agree on a common mechanism through which the facilitators contribute to the success of the initiative of the Cairo Conference, the African Union and the partners of the Jeddah Platform to reach an agreement. A politician establishes a Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, congratulates us on this war and lays the foundations for building the Sudanese state.

May you always stay safe,,,,


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