Cairo Conference on the Sudanese Question: Prospects for Solutions and Hopes for Change – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The Cairo conference on the Sudanese question will be held this month, bringing great hopes of ending the crisis that has ravaged Sudan for years. The conference raises fundamental questions about its role and effectiveness in finding radical solutions to the chronic crisis.

There are two main views on the Cairo conference. From an optimistic point of view, the conference is considered a platform for constructive dialogue between the various Sudanese parties, stressing the need for the participation of all actors without exception.

Those who share this view stress the importance of addressing the real roots of the crisis, which they associate with “parties seeking to control the country.”

On the other hand, the pessimistic view takes a more skeptical view of the Cairo Conference's ability to solve Sudan's current problem, namely the continued presence of armed militias that engage in violence, killings and looting. This view demands that these militias be condemned and held accountable, while emphasizing the role of the Sudanese government in extending its control over the entire country and imposing the prestige of the state.

Among the observations and analyses regarding the differences of opinion regarding the Cairo Conference, there is the ambiguity regarding the identity of the militias. All opinions focus on the role of the “armed militias” in the Sudanese crisis, but do not clearly define their identity. This issue is considered a major weakness, as their analyses lack accuracy and specificity, which hinders the possibility of crystallizing effective solutions, in addition to the absence of the role of the international community, as the opinions do not address the role of the international community in resolving the crisis, and they have limited themselves to emphasizing the need to assist only the Sudanese government. This neglect is considered strange, especially in light of the intense regional and international interventions in Sudanese affairs, and the opinions propose solutions in general terms. In the face of the crisis, without going into the concrete details of how to implement them, these solutions lack realism and practicality, which reduces their value and raises doubts about the feasibility of the conference.

The Cairo Conference faces many challenges, the most important of which is to ensure the participation of all Sudanese parties, including the armed militias, who must be convinced to participate in the dialogue without preconditions. crisis, and the interests of the countries of the region and the international powers active in the region must be taken into account and work to find consensual solutions that satisfy all parties.

Despite these challenges, the Cairo Conference represents an opportunity to achieve change in Sudan, and one of the factors that can contribute to the success of the conference is the availability of strong political will. All participants in the conference must have a strong political will to resolve the crisis and agree on radical solutions. Constructive dialogue and mutual respect must prevail among all parties, and all segments of the Sudanese people must be involved in the dialogue process and reach solutions that meet their aspirations.

The future of Sudan remains dependent on the outcome of this conference. Will it succeed in leading the country out of its chronic crisis, or will the hopes of the Sudanese people remain in suspense?

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