Cairo will harass you – Whale's Thorn – Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The ongoing war in Sudan has made millions of Sudanese refugees in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and regardless of the kinship between the two peoples, ultimately the Sudanese in Cairo and other Egyptian cities are not as refugees who have been expelled from their country. houses by the war and who took refuge in Egypt in search of the security lost in their country, and so that we do not go far, the law The international community determines the characteristics of the treatment of refugees. However, the question of the treatment of the Sudanese. Refugees remain the concern of the Egyptian authorities, and Egypt knows how to manage this segment and does not hesitate to maintain its security and that of its citizens. Egyptian authorities continue to monitor and monitor all phenomena that could affect Egyptian national security. *.

*And not to go too far, there are demonstrations and negative phenomena carried out by some Sudanese refugees in Cairo, which would distort the image of the rest of the Sudanese refugees in Egypt, knowing that all these negative phenomena that are occurring are counted among all Sudanese refugees in Egypt because the point of view of the Sudanese is that of the Egyptian people. The Egyptian people viewed the situation from only one perspective, that of the foreign refugee, even though there were a significant number of respectable families seeking safety until the war. Sudan is stopping, there are those who distort this good image of Sudan and its people, especially in such circumstances which are necessarily known to the Egyptian authorities*.

*At a time when there are many segments of refugees, there are certainly good and bad among them, and among them are those who belong to the hardliners, and among them are those who stand on the side of the 'army. It is therefore not unlikely that the same illnesses and diseases that caused the outbreak of war in Sudan will be transmitted to Egypt, and that they will continue to spread speeches of hatred, dissatisfaction and lack of care. acceptance. among the Sudanese in Egypt, and those who carry the Sudanese germ in Egypt must review the recent history of the Sudanese in Egypt, and the Mustafa Mahmoud Square incident is not far away. It is certain that Egyptian security is preparing plans to prevent any incident. chaos occurs, and he will tackle whatever affects him with firmness and force. Egyptian security and Egyptian security have a red line that cannot be touched at all.

*What the ambassadors report daily about some of the negative phenomena that are happening among some Sudanese in Cairo and which are shameful does not indicate or indicate the discipline of the Sudanese in Egypt, especially considering the fact that the Sudanese there are just simple refugees who must respect Egyptian law, customs and customs, and that is enough. The Egyptian people shared with the Sudanese refugees their livelihood, housing and transportation, but they cannot tolerate chaos and negative phenomena from them and the transfer of hatred to Egypt. . You must be content with the safety and peace of Egypt, enjoy its fruits, onions and koshari, and be content to stroll around the center of the country and take a souvenir photo at Ibrahim Pasha Square, and those of you who can cross. towards the other shore of the Mediterranean, let those who can do so.

Half a fork

*Egyptian agencies cannot ignore the movements of the Sudanese, even if they exercise the greatest restraint, because patience has limits and regimes get angry like children and attack like a lion.

A quarter of a fork

*Cairo will soon restrict you as it welcomed you if some Sudanese refugees continue this chaos in the Egyptian streets*.

(email protected)

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