Call with Kickl! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Perhaps the death of Ali Yaqoub and obtaining his phone after his death revealed calls to many figures who openly used a disguise not for the war, but secretly clearly supported the militia. There is no doubt that there were contacts with international organizations. while they were in the intelligence of the armed forces, this is how it is (a biography that was opened)! This is considered a major intelligence victory and, therefore, it harms all the leaders who perished, even Al-Bishi recently, and the names that have appeared recently are deleted!

The appearance of calls from some artistic and political figures during the calls with Kickel also revealed the same behavior followed by the leaders of Taqaddim abroad (the volatile behavior of political figures that you see as a joke but in writing) !! Some tweets appeared from these people denying this (hatab)! Some say that it was before the war, and others say that he was contacted in general, as the saying goes: “Evil is denounced”!

What makes him laugh and cry is that today Kickel is leading a campaign in Medina to combat the negative phenomena there, and everything the militiamen do are phenomena with a negative word with the word (very respectable) on it! Even if there is a more deviant than negative word that should be used to describe them, Kickel has so far failed to manage the city and the administratively authorized areas and has not even managed to open the Al-Aykoura school, for which a “wonderful life” was created at the time!

In some areas of the island, Kikel has brought his forces into the villages, and in some villages, the Janja are present in some homes with the citizens who are overpowered and forced to stay with them out of fear and not love. I don't think a citizen loves those who stole his vehicle or imposed fees on him for his business or (they took care of it.) his sheep from his pen inside his house! It is rather the domination of the arrogant over the weak.

My conversation with Kikl is about this article, and its content is that what you are doing now to your family on the island will cause you to be cursed in this world before the hereafter, and if you do not stop and surrender, you will drink from the same cup that your friend Al-Bishi drank, even if you increase the interference vibrations in your movements, and even if you wear a mask to hide yourself, I would like you to understand what I am saying, I would like you to understand what. Abu Firas Al-Hamdani recited when he said:

At your age, sight is of no use to its inhabitants.

If those who see have no insight.

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