Capitals of Sudan – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Three cities have been home to the seat of the capital of the Sudanese state since the alliance of Funj and Al-Abdlab in 1504, when they made the city of Sennar the capital of the Sudanese state at that time. of this in the period from 1504 AD until the year 1821 AD, because the current city of Sennar represented the center of the Sudanese state for a period exceeding 316 years. It can be said that Sennar, as the capital, represented the political, economic, and religious, and from there the Sennar convoys departed, carrying the cover of the Kaaba to the Holy Lands. In addition, the main purpose of Muhammad Ali's invasion of Sudan was the search for gold and men, which confirms that Sennar was famous for producing gold at that time*.

*Then the Sudanese capital was transformed into the city of Wad Madani during the reign of the ruler Othman Bey Grix between 1824 and 1825. The city of Wad Madani was chosen to be the center of the Ottoman garrison at that time, although the period during which Othman Bey Grikes stayed in Wad Madani was not long. However, some civil and urban reforms were undeniable at that time, and their effects are still present today. The Hantoub School was established as an educational and academic institution. this had a great impact on generations of graduates and generations of leaders of the Sudanese National Movement. Thus, Wad Madani is the second Sudanese capital after the city of Sinnar*.

*In 1825, government offices were gradually moved from Wad Madani to the present city of Khartoum, and Khartoum became the capital of the Sudanese government administration. In 1830, Khartoum became the center of Sudan due to its geographical location, and the Governor General's Palace was built, which was later called the Republican Palace, at its current location. It can be said that Khartoum As the capital, it witnessed economic and commercial activity, and Khartoum became one of the largest Sudanese cities. without a competitor, Khartoum spread over three sides of a triangle between the cities of Khartoum, Khartoum Bahri and Omdurman (the triangular capital Khartoum remained the capital of Sudan for more than 190 years until the outbreak of war on April 15, 2023). , and most people were not. A pessimist would think that the hand of ruin and destruction would thus reach the capital, Khartoum, except for Sheikh Farah Wad Taktuk, who predicted what is currently happening in Khartoum, and his words became: “Khartoum will be rebuilt by Ammar, who will reach Soba, and will be ruined by the ruins of bricks.” He also predicted for it “fire and drowning.” However, it can be said that Khartoum, as a city, has become a ghost town, uninhabitable for ten years after the end of the war, knowing that the aftermath of the war will be more dangerous and worse than the war itself*.

A quarter of a fork

*In mid-2024, two months after the Khartoum War, the Sudanese capital was transferred to the city of Port Sudan to manage the affairs of the Sudanese state during the war. The city of Port Sudan held out until it was absorbed. at the moment despite its weak services. The question remains: is Port Sudan fit to be the next capital of Sudan or not?

*It was said in the last days of the government of former President Omar al-Bashir that Khartoum was not fit to be the capital of Sudan. Serious work was done to prepare the city of Merowe in northern Sudan to become the new capital of Sudan. , as projects were carried out accompanying the Merowe Dam project, which represented the creation and construction of a modern medical city, such as is not found in other countries, and the creation of the Meroe International Airport, which has witnessed violent battles since the beginning of the war, and a major construction connecting Meroe and Karima, all of which are considered basic structures to host the new capital of Sudan, and these discussions were interrupted after the fall of the Salvation Government. Is the idea still valid. Will the administrative capital remain in Port Sudan until the end of the war and until the discussions continue? Will Sudan's new capital, or Khartoum, be rebuilt despite the devastation and devastation that has been inflicted upon it?

A quarter of a fork

*There is another question that also arises: has the period of validity of Khartoum as the capital expired and should the capital be transferred to another city?*

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