Charitable organization Al -Nafra inaugurates the Zakat program

Sheikha Fatima Muhammad Al -Tom Al -Mahdi, Head of the Nafra Charitable Organization in the Shendi Locality, Stepred the Importer of Achieving the Goals of the Charitable Organization in Establishing the Pillars of Solidity and the Values of Solidarity Between the Segments of Society and that the inauguration of Zakat Program for the Needy Families and the Segment of the Displaced and the Sick Targeted Four Camps for Expatriates
Zakat rates were distributed at the development center for (40) families alongside expatriates at secondary school (60).
She said that the Company of Bonité, the mother of Ghassan and the Muslim is the brother of the Muslim, Khulawi and the companions of Dubai and the countries of Ireland.
The distribution also included the cemetery camp from Honey Stone.
Sheikha Fatima explained that goodness goods provided meat and fruits for each of the Mestemeb pensions, which is in the number of students (52) and the free Kalcia to memorize the noble Koran of Umm Ghassan, an active well that the Irlendabgogy, as well as the Cladding.
She confirmed the continuous distribution of Zakat money to all the targets in the town of Shendi