Children of unknown parents suffer from constant pain and repeated suffering – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

They came to this life facing the danger of death since childhood. Among them were the lucky ones who were found alive by passersby on the sidewalks and roads, and who were entrusted to nursing homes through legal procedures. of hunger, were burned by the scorching rays of the sun and were exposed to intense cold, so they died of pain and disease. Among them were those who were found by stray dogs and birds. He looked at him, and his strength failed him to defend himself until he died from his injuries. Among them were those who were thrown into toilets and wells and drowned.
There are many ways to die and many, many dangers that these children of unknown parents are exposed to throughout their journey in this life. When are we going to value them, care for them and appreciate them as human beings who have made no sin except they are paying the price of sin?
The issue of children of unknown parents is one of the sensitive issues that has attracted the attention of the state, society and local and international community organizations, as they are part of the society.
The state's interest in these segments of children comes from the fact that they are considered the core of future generations that will influence society and the state affects them and is affected by them, as their problem is one of the issues with legal, social and religious dimensions.
These segments were not spared from this cursed war launched by the rebel Rapid Support militia, and their suffering increased after the destruction and vandalism of their headquarters at Maiqoma House and the Boys and Girls Home in the prison and elsewhere.
Well, the Federal Ministry of Welfare and Social Development in cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare and Social Development of Khartoum State and the National Council for Child Welfare evicted them and relocated them to the towns of Kassala and New Halfa to alternative and temporary accommodation until the crisis subsides and they return to their headquarters in Khartoum State after defeating the rebellion.
What reassures them is the interest shown in them by those responsible for care and social development, who check their condition through periodic visits in collaboration with the social and health sector, which has helped to provide them with food and drink after ensuring their stability.
In turn, we appreciate the great efforts made by those responsible for these children, whether administratively through the General Administration of Welfare and Social Development or financially through the Federal Ministry of Finance and Planning, as well as the appreciated support of businessmen and local and international civil society organizations that are interested in them, who have been able to overcome the difficulties they face and provide them with a means of subsistence and a decent life.
We also call on the community, charities, local and international community organizations and concerned parties, as well as families who adopt children from these groups, to continue to support them and not stop caring for them, as they are considered orphans who must be supported and by their side, especially in this critical phase and in the difficult conditions that everyone is suffering because of the war.