Chinese cone! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Perhaps the visit that Al-Burhan made to China with a high-level delegation to attend an international conference, during which he delivered a strong speech expressing the will of the Sudanese people and speaking in their language, and not in the language of those who rape, plunder and commit the most horrible crimes and think that they are falsely protecting this people. Al-Burhan's language is a strong Arabic language, not the language of those who… Once, they speak while they are outside this country, displaced. , and they claim that they are from the core of this people, and he is the one who asked them to speak about it

It seems that what Al-Burhan did in China in terms of many development and service agreements has angered those who were fighting, who wrote a tweet on behalf of Hemedti on the ! And (Faswa Madanqar), I regret this word and other expressions that do not resemble the second man in state when he was. The tweet does not contain anything new and does not benefit people, rather it was the speech of a donkey who carries books. and who uses the frivolity of speech as arrogance.

As for these wretches who wander between the different capitals, “Al-Burhan's visit to China has eaten away at their sorrow”! Their tweets faded here and there, between each word they uttered and another, there was the word (leftovers), and between each word and another, we found the army of the Islamic Movement. We find nothing else in their speech. except these words that people are bored with, and if they add them, they “lose logic”, as they say in the colloquial dialect!

Everyone should know that the report that the UN mission wrote on Sudan and what it recommended was done by a storm of advance henchmen and some of the militia godfathers called advisors. It was written and delivered ready made with its commas, satchels and footnotes, and the UN mission was (white slugs only)!

From my platform, I see… that every time Al-Burhan visits a country that they describe as a state, and every time Al-Burhan meets a head of state, they call him “because the Chinese.” It seems that this is a “cuz,” and tomorrow the Russian will be called “the Russian soft bear,” so you have the right to increase these visits, Al-Burhan. And the donkeys bray in anger.

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