Cholera cases increased to 15,577 cases, including (506) deaths

At its meeting scheduled for today, Thursday, the Federal Emergency Operations Center reviewed reports from federal health departments related to the cholera outbreak and the responses implemented.

The report on the epidemiological situation of cholera in the country announces that (268) new infections were recorded yesterday Wednesday in (6) states, including (4) deaths, while Kassala State recorded (88) cases out of the total new infections, including (3) deaths, Gedaref (82 cases), Nile (58) cases, including one death, then White Nile 23 cases, Red Sea (10) cases, and finally the island (7) cases, and with In this case, the cumulative number of infections increases in (58) localities, from (10) states to (15,577 infections, including 506 deaths.

The cholera intervention report, in the case management axis, referred to admissions and deaths in addition to the continuation of interventions, as well as challenges, while the environmental health and food control report noted the available chlorine, consumption and distribution, in addition to the needs and activities implemented to combat cholera.

The health promotion report highlighted a number of activities implemented in a number of states through media and social networks, with community dialogues and home visits, while the supply report indicated the position of available supply, consumer and need.

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