Cholera has taken away ✍️ Amir Al-Jaali

The warnings were severe about the ease and speed of the spread of the cholera epidemic, but the state of indifference in which we live (and indifference) to health warnings related to diseases paved the way and paved the way for the cholera epidemic to spread the spread of the fire in (Al-Awish) and continues to spread to every individual in the Nile State if we neglect to follow… Health instructions related to food and drink, and how to deal with it and treat the injured person. This morning, the cases of infection reached (352) cases, and at the time of writing this article, they may have doubled and reached fabulous numbers. Atbara had the largest share with (132) cases, followed by Berber with (102). cases, Al-Damer (92) cases, Shendi and Al-Buhaira one case for each locality and Al-Matma (3) cases, while Abu Hamad became (17) cases, deaths reached (11) cases and recovery was achieved. (122) cases, which means that we are still lost in Guinea, because there is no strict control over the markets, and our markets are still full of floor mats for all kinds of food, and community movements are still very timid and nothing. has changed. There is something wrong with the environmental situation at the local level, where the piles of wet waste sting the nose and flies outnumber stones. So what have we prepared to face this enemy. In general, we testify that the health and medical personnel are working. diligently and actively, as evidenced by the arrival of recoveries (122) cases out of a total of (352) cases.


It is necessary for all sectors of society to pay attention to the cleanliness and sanitation of the environment, and people should not wait for the government because health is everyone's responsibility, and with a little potential you can achieve a lot and you will find thousands of charities. people help and contribute, and localities must contribute with young people to achieve this.

Final crumb:

We must take advantage of the hordes of personnel mobilized in environmental sanitation, because cholera is no less ferocious than rapid support, as we have previously mentioned.

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