Cholera is more deadly than rapid support ✍️ Amir Al-Jaali

Cholera has invaded the towns and villages of the Nile and can do to the citizens of the state what rapid support cannot do to its population. What is frightening in this case is what the Ministry of State announced through Dr. Magda Abdullah. Minister-designate, and his technical and medical team, with the number of cases of infection reaching (210) cases, which is a figure that could be normal, but considering the simple and rapid means of spreading this epidemic, as is also the case with treating the patient if he receives first aid, you can imagine this figure, which could reach hundreds of times in an hour if we persist in neglecting cleanliness, the deterioration of the environment in which we live, and not paying attention to food, the kitchen washing it well, foods that cannot be cooked, in addition to chlorination or boiling of drinking water, and perhaps the deterioration of the environment in which we live and the accumulation of waste, which have become a source of breeding of flies and other vectors. of diseases, and simply anyone can know that he is infected with cholera if his diarrhea is severe and resembles rice water in its appearance without accompanying it. He is suffering from colic and may be accompanied by vomiting. If these symptoms correspond to his condition, he must be reported to the nearest health unit so that this patient does not lose fluids from his body. The longer we delay this, the more we put his life in imminent danger.

The state has set up alert committees to confront the rebel militias, but the militias have not entered our homes, so what to do when cholera struts among us and kills us!!! It is better that we are a supreme mobilization committee to confront and defeat it, and to establish bases for awareness, education and direction of the aviation (and even its mercenaries and summoners of desert countries and their heaps). in a world war in which all (filth, ignorance, indifference and shame in the face of certain diseases) participate against us, and awareness and education campaigns are needed to stop the rising tide of cholera.

First kasra:

By simple logic, water is not the major cause of cholera cases in the state. If it were, the numbers would be equal to the population of the Nile. As a precaution, we are requesting the Authority to chlorinate it and distribute chlorine to areas not included in the water stations.

Final crumb:

Atbara reached (84) cases out of a total of (210) cases in the state, as the highest locality, followed by the Berber locality, according to the media coverage of the ministry, which makes us sound the alarm to the executive directors to pay attention to cleanliness, then cleanliness to others, and health, God willing, will take care of the rest..and we continue.

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