Choose martyrdom for us – over low heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟢 Questions of duty and patriotism still hold a big place in the hearts of many. A martyr is considered a person who sacrifices himself for the sake of the motherland, humanity and justice, and this valiant act reflects the pinnacle of faith, sacrifice and fulfillment of duty.

🟢 If words can describe the courage of the martyr, then his sacrifice expresses the pinnacle of determination, perseverance and sincerity.

🟢 We have learned from you, O Muhammad, the sacrifices and positions of the martyrs, and that the pride and honor of the homeland have great value and that the fulfillment of duty and sacrifice for the good of the homeland embodies the most wonderful manifestations of human dignity.

🟢 If the martyr sacrifices his life for all regardless of religion or race, then we, as human beings, find in this sacrifice an example and a lesson that teaches us to be strong in our position of truth and justice .

🟢 When a person mortgages himself to defend the honor of the earth and honor, and to defend his dignity and that of others, he builds bridges of sacrifice, loyalty and courage, and develops within himself the patriotic and humanitarian spirit.

🟢 The duty we bear as sons of the country requires us to be responsible towards our country and towards each individual who lives there.

🟢 We must appreciate the sacrifices of the martyrs and respect their memory, and commit ourselves to stand with the steadfast people who protect the dignity of man and the nation, and work hard to build a society where justice and justice prevail. peace, where everyone enjoys their dignity. freedom and justice.

🟢A martyr of duty is a person who sacrifices his life in order to defend his duty and his country.

🟢 Sacrifice is considered one of the greatest forms of sacrifice a person can make, as it expresses their sacrifice of the most precious thing they have, which is their life, in order to protect their values, their principles and his country. The martyr is an example of sacrifice and loyalty, and a symbol of valor and courage.

🟢 A person's dignity is manifested in their ability to sacrifice and devote themselves to things beyond their personal interests, and in their adherence to their moral and national values.

🟢 Martyrs are the most wonderful examples of this dignity, because they clearly show how a person can give everything they have for their faith and values, without skimping on their life or their sacrifices.

🟢 The dignity of the homeland is linked to the dignity of the human being. Homeland is the land to which a person belongs and which he protects and in which he lives.

🟢 Defending the homeland and assuming responsibilities towards it is an integral part of human dignity.

🟢 The martyrs teach us that loyalty to the homeland is not just words, but rather a real sacrifice that can make a difference and elevate human worth and dignity.

Videos and clips are now circulating in emails and media, showing the humiliation and humiliation practiced by the Rapid Support rebel forces towards the prisoners of the armed forces and the mobilized among our braves. Images, scenes and situations of men who endured all kinds of torture for the sake of the dignity and pride of Sudan.

Only God who contemplates these scenes gives him strength and instills pride, dignity and arrogance in the souls of the Sudanese.

🟢 What martyr Muhammad Siddiq and his brothers, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the valiant Sudanese Armed Forces provided.

We are supposed to be full of Hamas, and the people must mobilize as a whole to support honor and the land.

Mizpah, Al-Jili and all regions of the land of the vineyard call on you to dry the blood shed by the rebels.

🟢 Our land sheds abundant tears, weeping and groaning. Have we heard his lamentations and the heat of the mountain slopes of his eyelids?

🟢 What the Arab Diaspora group and the Janjaweed, the evil state and den of disbelief, have created is something that should not be overlooked by some, as they are all partners.

🟢 What is happening from the Rapid Support rebels is a great incentive that must be invested as nourishment for the exit of this deviant and brutal group from our homes and our lands.

🟢 carried out by the martyrs of duty in order to preserve the dignity of man and the nation.

🟢 They are living examples who embody sincerity, courage and determination in defending the values ​​and principles in which they believe. Through their sacrifices, the dignity of man and nation remains high and rich in values ​​that make them worthy of the highest levels of respect and appreciation.

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