Civil signatures on the water! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

We must declare loud and clear that the liberation of Sudan from the filth of militias begins with Madani. If Madani is liberated, all villages on the peninsula will be liberated, and if the peninsula is liberated, the remaining parts of Khartoum will undoubtedly be liberated. released.

If Madani is released, the pain will disappear from Sennar and its villages that live to the west, and sugar will return to what it was, instead of being a refuge for the Janja, stores for their supplies and a ramp launch for operations. targeting Jabal Muwayya.

The administrative committee appointed by the militia of one of the leaders of the Umma Party holds a bowl of water every time and signs that it has no taste and no weight except the weight of a feather and the letters that were written on a piece of paper. paper that appeared in the media because they do not differentiate (the red alif and the dhikr waw), the areas that fall under the control of the militias are governed by the law of the jungle. The strong eat the weak, and one. Whoever carries a weapon can kill whoever he wants, even if it is a child or a specialist doctor, in his home and in front of his family, with premeditation and deliberation, as happened yesterday in Al-Hasahissa.

The situation on the island, gentlemen, is worse than what the media are reporting. Hunger has completely destroyed most of the residents left there, but they cannot prevent it.

Every day that the release of a civilian is delayed has a high price, and every day that the militia is present on the island's territory, coming and going, the result is murder, looting, humiliation and annihilation. The militia defecating on the green earth means devastation, destruction and scorched earth.

From my platform, I look… where I see… that the management continues to collect signatures in Madani, but it is on the water page, and that the citizen who remained there, powerless, signs in blood ink on the page of suffering, and we write, but the writing appears like a signature on the whistle of the wind. The armed forces must change the signature to Signature, sometimes with a cannon, sometimes with a rifle, sometimes with a cannon, and sometimes with hordes. of infantry, he liberates the island and advances to destroy one of our enemies and the homeland. We have full confidence in Him, but our patience is up to us, and we know perfectly well that patience is the key to relief.

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