Civilian I saw! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Although time has changed for Madani for a full year and she is plunged into deep sadness and sorrow caused by the people who descended on her and her people from the planet of evil, the valor of the tolerant people of Gedaref , which they showed, dried this tear, while its governor walked towards it with a convoy of provisions and sacrifices, accompanied by farmers and community leaders, a convoy which was… Immense, the carts which transported were moving slowly due to the seriousness of the situation. weight on them. 150 million were paid by the generous residents of Gedaref for relief. We helped Madani as the first convoy of kindness and victory to his government after liberation. The value was great, the work was very blessed, and the need was very urgent.
Civilian, gentlemen… I looked deeply at its citizens who were lined up, amplifying and accepting this abstraction, the veins in their necks clearly showing the extreme hunger and suffering that had afflicted them for so long (the glow)! Their bodies were thin and the hands they waved were white, complaining of a great calamity that had befallen them, but their song was loud, proud and steadfast despite the privations.
Some corpses still lie near Hantoub Bridge, even though authorities worked hard inside the city to hide these deaths and buried them. Electric wires have fallen to the ground and even the poles of certain electricity pylons are found kneeling. They stood for decades like tall bricks. These people destroyed everything. There is no water, electricity, or any other service. If the late artist Muhammad Al-Amin had been alive, he would have been. Cry while singing Malu… The pain is overwhelming… my soul is for you… Sobbing and crying for me!
You will find the state governor working hard here and there, despite the few days since the liberation, but the problem in Wad Medani is serious and the center needs to intervene urgently to rehabilitate part of the basic services intended for the population. of this state to Wad Medani. Organizations must ensure that the state provides them with continuous humanitarian avenues and field hospitals must be established for treatment, the most important of which is to treat malnutrition. You cry when you see the people of Madani in this sad way. , and perhaps you will undoubtedly cry more if you see the people of the villages You will cry with the very painful burden.
The people of Madani, inside the safe cities and abroad, must unite for what they chanted in peace, which was (the most beautiful news) that I was waiting for the first convoy to arrive in the residents of Madani arrive. being Madani people, but I knew they were different and occupied with a very separatist issue. Now is not the time. Why would they come from convoys from neighboring villages, as I saw yesterday a convoy with the words “People?” “of Shabarqa” written on his sign, it's your duty now, so don't make him ask and say: Where are those who raised me? I am satisfied and they drink of my indigo and eat of my bounty. I need it now and I'm desperate for Madani's children (the children of my heart)! What were their names, so tell me where they are? Where is the fault located?
From my rostrum, I look… where I see… that what the state of Gedaref has done is considered a great charitable advance, and the rush of its people for money reflects the good character of the people of this state. Thank you, Dalshwak, and thank you to your people in Gedaref, and may you be blessed (the wombs that brought you).