Climate change and its impact on the Gum Arabic Belt region ✍️ Taha Haroun Hamed

Climate change and its impact on the gum arabic region is considered one of the most important challenges facing this region. It lacks all the elements of a decent life, including the complete absence of primary schools, health centers, basic health care and public services. , in addition to sources of pure water for human and animal consumption, and the lack of training mechanisms and ingredients, we find the distances to transport the harvest to the main cities and ports unpaved, in addition to imposing taxes, income. zakat payments, etc. The gum arabic belt is a region that extends across North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and includes Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea. Several climate changes affect this region:

High temperatures: The Gum Arabic Belt region is experiencing increasing temperatures, which contributes to increased evaporation and drought. This affects agriculture and water resources in the region.

Lack of rain:

The region is experiencing a lack of rainfall, which causes drought and a lack of availability of fresh water, which negatively affects agriculture, pastures, resources and the lack of livestock and aquatic projects.

Changes in precipitation patterns:

Fluctuations in precipitation patterns may occur due to the felling of the hashab tree and its processing into charcoal or the planting of crops (corn, peanuts, sesame and watermelon). Note that these crops can be grown inside the forest (the garden), and there. There will be an increase in production in terms of hashab and other agricultural crops, as well as the percentage of animals. This will affect agriculture and water potential and increase the risk of floods and drought.

Spread of deserts:

The desert areas of the region are increasing due to drought and rising temperatures, reducing the areas available for agriculture and pasture. There are conflicts between nomads and locals in the region, as well as on the periphery (al-Baqqara, Ghanama, or Abalah) with villagers.

Increased sea level drop: Coasts near the Gum Arabic Belt are experiencing sea level drop due to rising sea levels, affecting coastal cities and infrastructure.

Extinction of species:

The impact of climate change is causing the extinction of some plant and animal species as well as wild animals that feed on the leaves of the Hashab tree, which depend on previous climatic conditions.

The impact of these climate changes on the Gum Arabic Belt region is a major challenge for the environmental sustainability and economy of the region. Measures should be taken to adapt to these challenges by promoting sustainable agriculture, managing water security and food security, introducing improved seeds, pesticides and seeds, training producers, providing them with livelihoods, empowering them and encouraging them to preserve and develop the profession, promoting renewable energy, and benefiting from green charcoal (Hashhab tree clap + fallen cuttings + starch, non-polluting to the environment, and implementing biodiversity preservation strategies. Conducting an analysis of soil types in the Belt region (13 states in Sudan), introducing improved seeds, training, creating windbreaks and increasing the areas of hashab tree cultivation. This issue also requires international cooperation, government and local component (civil society and citizens, cooperative societies and insurance companies). ) to raise awareness about the dangers of climate change and its impact on this important economic product, which is considered the most important exported product in the world and the third product in Sudan after agriculture and livestock, knowing that it is the Sudanese popular and government product. heritage and represents 79% of world production. It has been known since ancient times for its industrial quality that enters the industry of medicines, inks, papers, cosmetics, preservatives and the manufacture of modern war tools and equipment (climate change and the fight against climate change). reduce greenhouse gas emissions,

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