Complaints, Minister of Higher Education – Sword's Edge – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

During this space, I previously wrote more than three letters of complaints to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Mohamed Hassan Dahab, and I mention among the complaints a complaint that I personally filed about my son and requested the intervention of the Minister, but there is no life that we call for. Today, I received a new complaint from a father complaining about what his son is exposed to. In order not to spoil his story for you and to summarize it, I thought I would leave it as it is and direct it to Minister Muhammad Hassan Dahab, so. so that he can break his silence and pay attention to the complaints of the citizens. The following was stated in the message I received

May the peace, blessings and mercy of God be upon you.

My brother, Mr. Muhammad Al-Sadiq

I ask God for your forgiveness and well-being and to bless our country with security, peace and peace. I am one of those who regularly read The Edge of the Sword because it deals with issues that concern the nation and citizens. I hope that my appeal will reach the Minister of Higher Education, and it is as follows.

My eldest son was accepted into the Faculty of Medicine at Dilling University at the end of 2014, more precisely in October, when the first class of this new college of the university had decreed that studies would be interrupted for long intermittent periods due to protests, internal problems and the Corona epidemic, because the total of these interruptions was exactly two years.

Finally, our children completed their studies in the college after patience and perseverance, and the results of their final examinations were announced in February 2023. They were given a declaration that they had completed their studies in the college, but they have not yet obtained their certificates, on the pretext that the Sindh Council, which approves the results and approves the issuance of certificates, did not find an opportunity to meet. This responsibility is shared between the Dean of the College and the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University. The Dean of the College is supposed to convene the meeting, the Deputy in charge of disbursement and the Principal presiding over it.

I contacted the Dean of the College, Dr. Saralkhatm, via WhatsApp, complaining and feeling sorry for the future of our children of this batch. He promised me good things, as he has promised our students many times, but in vain. I also contacted the Principal of the University, Dr. Jamal Noga, via WhatsApp, but he did not respond to me kindly.

0 I finally thought of introducing the subject to you, people of the (fourth estate) of the press. I hope you will write to us about it. Our children have grown old, and we fear that what they have learned and society. will escape them, and they themselves are in dire need of offering their services and developing their knowledge for the benefit, and without this certificate attesting that they have studied this, the field cannot move an inch.

0 Finally, I inform you that most of these graduates have completed the internship period (12 months) in various public hospitals according to the certificate issued to them, but this is only approved if they are distributed through the Ministry of Health and in coordination with the Medical Council.

That's the problem. I hope you find it interesting. I hope our kids find the value of college in solving it.

May God reward you and increase your reward.

Your brother, may God bless him and grant him peace

A Zakat office employee in Khartoum State.

0 This is the problem and complaint of Mr. Fadlallah, which we believe is very important to take into consideration, especially since many complaints have been written via social networking sites, electronic newspapers and journalists, but unfortunately, the minister or his office has not deigned to respond to them. Here is another letter in the mail of the Minister of Higher Education. We hope that it will find a response and that all the complaints submitted to him are waiting for us and the complainant, which we hope will not be long in coming.

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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