Condolences.. patience.. then victory – Pen and Bullet – ✍️ First Lieutenant / Suhaib Ezzedine

(We belong to Allah and to Him we will return.. My dear father was martyred.. What is precious to his Lord.. May God accept it with good acceptance. We belong to Allah and it is to Him we will return).
These words, little written in letters, with a lot of content and meanings, were a message addressed to my brother and my group, my comrade in arms, Captain Mujahid Hassan Al-Rashid, on the martyrdom of his father Al- Rashid and 13 citizens of the village of Al-Harqa, in the east of the island, in the hands of the cowardly rapid support militia, exhausted by the armed forces camps in Bahri, Omdurman, Al-Obeid and Al-Fasher . transformed by his war and his womb was subjected to oppression. The army frees and kills the defenseless citizen.
Firstly, I offer my condolences to you, my brother, and in your person, I offer my condolences to everyone who lost a loved one in this war, and it is you I am speaking to, so listen to me.. He is mentioned in the stories that Caliph Omar Al-Farouq, may God be pleased with him, asked God Almighty and said (O God, grant me martyrdom on Your path and cause my death in the land of Your Messenger), then his daughter asks him Hafsa, may God be. happy with herself, was surprised (how could that be?) because she knew that her father was this great sheikh who had lived a long life and to whom the affairs of the Islamic caliphate had been entrusted, and that is what had distracted him from going out for jihad, the locations of which had become far removed from Medina after the Islamic conquests that spread around the Arabian Peninsula. And what surrounds him, Hafsa wonders how martyrdom will come to him who does not fight far from the turmoil and dust of battles, because. everyone knew at that time that death is in the shadow of swords, so Al-Farouq, the man of chivalry and sight and insight, answered him, as Al-Sarsari had praised him in his poem after praising the Messenger (God bless him). him and grant him peace), then Abu Bakr, saying to Umar, may God be pleased with him:
Then on the innovator, the one who understands and the one who helps
Omar, who has keen eyesight and a sincere heart
His response carried this insight and certainty, saying: “God will bring him to me, if He wishes,” which means martyrdom. After this, Al-Farouq was martyred, unarmed, barefoot and praying in the mihrab of the mosque. Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the center of his caliphate and in the safest place for him.
Therefore, I believe, my brother, that this is a testimony that God has given him in his house and that it is a selection of God Almighty. Our truthful and trustworthy Prophet told us in the hadith that whoever is killed while defending his money is killed. a martyr, and he who is killed defending himself is a martyr, and he who is killed defending his family is a martyr.
I know, my brother, that however intense the distress, it is followed by relief, and that it neither intensifies nor darkens until it appears white and unblemished, and that from the breast from vengeance come blessings, and from the midst of difficult trials and tribulations the light of conquest is born and the fruits of patience and perseverance are reaped.
I know that God does not love a servant unless He tests him, and according to the measure of faith affliction comes. The wise and prudent person is the one who expects patience and reward. known, as the Almighty Creator told us (Indeed, the patients receive their reward without counting). So we ask God to strengthen your hearts and reward you well for your patience.
We learned that our father, Martyr Al-Rashid, was killed inside his house after his body received four bullets, and that he was still defending himself with stones that fell from the ground, and he took the reasons before being assassinated by similar men with a fifth bullet which killed in them chivalry, manhood, honor and humanity, and their false pretensions of bringing their so-called democracy to the citizen at l back of his vehicle which was stolen.
We also learned that he told them before his martyrdom: “We did it, the rest is up to the army.” » And his spirit overflowed with great praise with the permission and help of God Almighty. the land of the peninsula and all of Sudan will be cleansed of the filth of these people, filled with the blood of these martyrs, and thanks to our armed forces and regular forces and the struggles of their sons from the popular resistance and the mobilized, and let us know that these are destinies that he shaped. God Almighty has written it, that we may not diminish our reward by opposing it, and that the state of falsehood is an hour and the state of truth until the establishment of the Hour, and God is the before and after question.
We ask God to accept all our martyrs, military and civilian, throughout the country, and improve our situation and change our situation for the better. He is capable of it.
May God have mercy on the martyrs… heal the wounded… restore the missing
Pride, nobility and invincibility for our valiant armed forces
*Armed Forces Journal, Confidentiality of name, Universality of values*
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