Conference discusses revitalization of domestic and foreign trade in Shendi

Shendi locality plans to hold a conference to discuss import and export issues and internal and external trade movement issues. It should welcome businessmen, investors, business and factory owners, in addition to competent authorities such as customs, taxes, customs and specifications, in order to lay the foundations of these issues which accompany the new reality of the country.

Executive Director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said that there must be major and important amendments in the laws and legislation that govern the movement of internal and foreign trade, and that they must keep pace with the new reality that the post-war country is experiencing today.

The CEO added during a meeting attended by a number of specialists at the federal and state levels, in addition to business owners, factories and investors. Shendi enjoys preferential benefits as it is central and connects many cities, in addition to other benefits and services.

Khaled said there is an industrial zone in its final stages of proceedings that houses more than twenty factories.

He welcomed all the new investors after the big breakthrough in the energy field, which was the reason for the reluctance of some to come to Shendi.

It is noteworthy that the first official of the Sudan Standards and Specifications Authority for the Nile sector met earlier with the executive director of Shendi locality and the meeting discussed the establishment of a village of export and a workshop for horticultural exports in cooperation with Shendi University.

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