Conference of Sudanese Political and Civil Forces – Final Declaration

Conference of Sudanese Political and Civil Forces

Cairo – July 6, 2024

#Final statement

We, the Sudanese political and civil forces that subscribed to this statement, gathered at the kind invitation of the government of the sister Arab Republic of Egypt in its capital, Cairo, under the slogan (Together to Stop the War), and exchanged our visions and points of view, at a critical moment in the history of our country, threatening its stability, independence and territorial integrity, its survival as a state for a people with an authentic and honorable civilizational heritage, and causing a terrible humanitarian catastrophe, plunging millions of families into the unknown, and as we discuss, they are suffering from the scourge of war, the tragedies of displacement, homelessness, shelter and death from hunger, and the lack of the most basic elements of medical care. and the brutal specter of illiteracy awaits them, leaving our nation prey to generations of lost minds, ignorance and extremism.

We responded to the generous invitation extended by the Arab Republic of Egypt to bring together the Sudanese, in the appreciated presence of neighboring countries and regional and international organizations, with the aim of consulting and agreeing on the necessary scope of joint action in order to stop the war and end the causes that led to it, and rush to meet urgent humanitarian needs, including food, medicine and education, hoping that these efforts will succeed in silencing the voices of defenders, ensuring the safety of civilians and silencing the voices of violence, hatred and negative propaganda, and struggling together for the reconstruction of basic facilities that make the lives of the Sudanese possible in their country and preparing the State to provide security and peace for their return to their homes and the pursuit of their right to a normal life.

The conference participants agreed that the war that invaded our country, killed, displaced, humiliated our people and tore the social fabric of our country, on the morning of April 15, 2023, represents not only a milestone, but a new history that requires every Sudanese man and woman to carefully examine and review all our positions. We condemn all the violations committed during this war and we affirm that the war is an essential indicator for thinking about the comprehensive restoration of the Sudanese state on the foundations of justice, freedom and peace, which requires all Sudanese to be convinced of Therefore, our meeting today aims to ensure a healthy future and for our future generations in a homeland surrounded by… Peace, justice, renaissance, freedom and the rule of law, benefiting from our experiences and the experiences of the world. peoples of the world to overcome the war and its horrors towards comprehensive national reconciliation and transitional justice.

The discussions and deliberations focused on the need for an immediate cessation of the war, including the mechanisms, means and monitoring of a permanent ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. The participants also stressed the need to adhere to the Jeddah Declaration and consider mechanisms for its implementation and development in order to keep pace with the evolution of the war. The conference participants invited and called on countries and entities supporting the parties to the war in any form of direct or indirect support, to stop further fanning the flames of war in Sudan.

The Sudanese humanitarian crisis, which is the world's greatest tragedy, is also one of the top priorities for the Sudanese, political forces, civil society and humanitarian organizations to address, as the arrival of aid is essential to save the lives of millions of Sudanese. The conference participants called for protecting humanitarian workers and sparing them from danger, persecution and obstruction by warring parties, in accordance with international and humanitarian law, and for continuing to support the efforts of the local and international community to continue to attract donor and donor support, ensuring that it reaches those in need. The conference participants also called on the regional and international community to fulfill their obligations.

As for the political path to resolve the crisis, the participants agreed to preserve Sudan as a unified homeland, based on citizenship, equal rights and a civil and democratic federal state. The Cairo meeting represents a valuable opportunity because it brought together for the first time since the war the civil parties present on the political scene, as well as a prominent group of national figures and representatives of civil society, who all agreed to work to end the war, considering that this is the fundamental issue and demand of all Sudanese people. They stressed that the post-war foundation phase should be spared from all the reasons that led to the failure of the previous transitional periods, leading to the establishment of the Sudanese state.

Participants agreed to form a committee to develop the discussions and follow up on this effort in order to achieve lasting peace.

In conclusion, we extend our thanks to His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the government and people of the sister Arab Republic of Egypt. For standing by the Sudanese people in their current ordeal.

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