Conference on drought through the eyes of the Sudanese people ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


I have followed very carefully what public opinion has documented and what has been reported about the Qaht ((God honors the hearers)) meetings in Addis Ababa, and I found that they were limited to this following :

1/ The broadcaster of the event (The Malice) managed to present the traitorous agent, Al-Arbid Hamdok, in his true capacity as leader of the Janjaweed. The foreign broadcaster awarded the title of head of Rapid Support to Hamdok. information, it is the channel which is the first supporter of the Janjawids. She said that and we didn't say that…

++Sudanese public opinion solemnly celebrated (the structure of) Khaled's friend Mahdi who took revenge for his sister Maryam's second exposure while portraying her with the ugliest qualities of betrayal and narcissism. .

++ Hawanat Qaht boycotted the farmers' representative and stopped him from continuing with the conference sessions after accusing him of being a “hidden cut”. Their reaction was strong when he attacked their ally, the Janjaweed militia, criticizing them and accusing them of committing acts. brutal crimes on the island.

I believe that there is no subject that has concerned public opinion as much as this event…

++ Which forced the disgraced Khaled Silk to come out on Al Jazeera to justify the insolence of the disgraced conference participants who did not expect an intervention criticizing the foreign Janjaweed militias, their political incubator, only to find themselves in the embarrassment with the Zionist mini-state of the Emirates, which expressed anger at the idea of ​​bringing a person like this to a forum of its own, which it sponsored and spent on…

++ Social media was abuzz with the scandalous photo of a “gay” and a “lesbian” with a poet of indignities… a poet who has lost weight, respect and shine until that he takes the idiot Salah Sandala as a friend…

++ While traitorous agent Hamdok received the lion's share of sarcastic comments while in a miserable “drinking” state…

++ A harmful anger of the people of Sufism and a dryness that demeans them, while presenting a young girl who does not know the Alif, B, Ta and Tha of the knowledge of Sharia and the truth, and does not of difference between the celibate Sufi and the blue-eyed Sufi who is virtuous, and she presented him under the authority of the Qadiriyah who continued to remember God, standing and sitting, for four hundred years in Sudan, then she shook like a stapler when she was insulted and hurt? Halil ((My happy mother, the mother of the poor, or the neighbor's network)) If she were alive, she would be evident in them…

++ The conference did not escape even the spokespersons of the Janjaweed, who showered them with insults and curses, accusing them of collusion and national treason, maliciously implying that they are the creation of small entities gelatinous caricatures that represent no one. but themselves…

++ The conference achieved its goals by mobilizing more popular anger and discontent, ridiculing and mocking the poor and accusing them of being workers and mercenaries: who footed the bill for its high cost?? ?!!! The Zionist Emirates or France and Israel??!!

++ These are the most important impressions of the Sudanese public opinion and what occupied the social media sites about this debauched activity which brought together people of passion, orgies and debauchery, none of whom could walk safely through the streets of exile without guards, let alone return to Khartoum….

++ Follow what the media said about him. Trust me, you won't find anything new except what I mentioned. Here and here we convey to you the pulse of your feelings with the language of honesty, out of respect for a reader with whom we have a status, a position and a risk that prevents us from falsifying reality and avoiding the truth , because he is too great for us to slander him with lies…

Omar Capo

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