Conferences of dwarf bastards….marketing for stagnant goods..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

*I am certain that the servant who pushes his shamelessness from one conference to another, understands in his heart that his situation is similar to someone who works in a market (a stagnant commodity) that will not find anyone to buy it, and yet he insists on offering them (for sale) whenever he finds a way to do so, and the conferences in which they appear From time to time, the market is conducive to exposure and review, and it does not matter if no one buys, but rather the most important thing is that they are here and there, and indeed all the conferences that Qahta participated in or organized, did not bring any significant return for them other than more (discontent) against them and an increase in (hatred). the people are theirs, and their belief that calling them to stop the war is just a “deception” to prevent the rebel militias from “grinding” with the army's weapons… Then, all these conferences that they “rush” to have become a disaster for them and a “scandal”, and they have not achieved it through them. No (make-up) to improve their shameful image..!!*

*Thus, the supply of goods to the insolent people and their henchmen will remain (stagnant) at all times, and (crunching and disappearing) will present itself to him as to the rebel militia, and they will not be able to throw themselves behind them. supports their (involvement) in the rebellion, if their (gains) come from the meetings in Paris and Addis Ababa and others, this happened as a “major failure” and resembles someone who stretched out his hands to the water to reach his “mouth.” but he did not succeed. The Cairo meeting had “struck” them with the scandal of the paralyzing statement and the “forgery” of the signatures of the national elements who participated in it and who “supported” the people and the army in the battle for dignity. .. so this (shameful) behavior on the part of his impudence, progress means more deterioration and stagnation of the offered merchandise, and its exposure to (crushing damage), and there is no power or strength except with God… Aren' Are you not ashamed, O impudent one, of progress…?!! Is there not a rational man among you…?!!

*We ask you, you who are absent from the present, the past and the future, how can you call for an end to the war when you represent the inexhaustible fuel of the militias..?!! Are you trying to (distract) people and the world with your (false) intentions through your conferences and meetings, and at the same time your bed for the rebellion provides all the tools that help it continue its crimes…?!! Why don't you oppose (fueling) the rebellion with weapons and mercenaries…?!! Why don't you condemn its crimes…?!! Did we not tell you that you are deceiving people, the whole world and yourselves?!! Therefore, you are (slow) to play the role of an unused commodity, so what a modest (paid value) work you do for the servant with all the comforts..!!*

*As for the Cairo conference, the Egyptian host won it (with the golden goal) and took you out (empty-handed), so where will you go after that, you insolent ones..?!!

*We will write and write…!!!*

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