Confining customers to hotels and furnished apartments: a guarantee of security and stability or an attack on freedoms? – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

In light of the country's volatile security conditions, a top security expert has called for restricting guests to hotels and furnished apartments in all cities across Sudan, in a bid to boost security and stability. While some consider this measure an urgent necessity to fight crime and terrorism, others fear that it represents an attack on individual freedoms.

As experts in tourism, and already during the creation of the Sudanese Friends of Tourism Organization, we developed an action plan to create tourist clubs in the districts of the capital, and we demanded that the neighborhood committee includes a member of the organization, with the aim of monitoring hotels and furnished apartments and controlling customer registration procedures in coordination between the management of the hotel or furnished apartments and the equipment. The competent security office in the area of ​​the hotel or furnished apartments.

Tracking and counting detainees helps to enhance security, by knowing their identity and whereabouts, and security services can better monitor their movements, helping to combat crime and terrorist activities, in addition to maintaining stability, and the feeling of security contributes greatly to this. to the stability of society, which encourages investment and tourism, in addition to combating illegal immigration, and thanks to the counting of detainees, cases of illegal immigration can be detected and worked to combat them.

One of the concerns resulting from inmate restrictions is the violation of individual freedoms. Some believe that the detainee restrictions represent a violation of privacy and restrict freedom of movement and residence, in addition to poor implementation. The process of counting prisoners may encounter implementation difficulties. The measures will have their shadow and impact on the tourism sector, and these measures could lead to tourists refraining from visiting, which would have a negative impact on the economy.

During our previous discussion on the same issue and its consequences, we proposed certain solutions, including a balance between security and freedoms. Security authorities must find solutions that strike a balance between maintaining security and respecting individual freedoms, and security services must cooperate with them. owners of hotels and furnished apartments to ensure the smooth running of the customer counting process. While raising awareness, the relevant authorities must publicize the importance of this initiative and clarify that it aims to enhance security and not restrict freedom of movement. people.

Confining guests to hotels and furnished apartments can help increase security and stability, but this must be done in a way that takes into account human rights and individual freedoms, and we hope that the authorities will know find solutions that achieve a balance between these two important objectives.

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