Congratulations and greetings to our armed forces – Pen and Bullet – ✍️ First Lieutenant / Suhaib Ezzedine

This sacred ritual is linked in our minds to the redemption whose hero was our master Ishmael, peace be upon him, giving himself, his soul and his blood, in submission and faith in his belief, his prophet and his father , Ibrahim Al -Khalil, stripping himself of everything for the good of his cause and completing what he started on the path of Islam and submission, these are the people of true causes, and nothing will stop them, even the biggest ones. if it costs lives and souls, then redemption is ancient, and the Fedayeen are ancient.

We follow this ritual of preparing pilgrims for movement and their arrival at the Sacred House of God, and the divine aura surrounding it in which we see God's mercy being shown to them and we feel it here in the air that we feel. despite the stones and the swirling folds, and our state of things says:

“O worshiper of the Two Holy Mosques, if only you could see us

You'd know you're playing in worship

Who stained his cheek with his tears

Our throats are stained with our blood

Or he tired his horses in vain

Our horses are tired in the morning

The scent of perfume is yours and we are our perfume

“The influx of dust and fine dust. »

The fourth Eid is upon us, and the battle for dignity continues, and the armed forces of the people continue to sacrifice and advance without those who carry this great nation on their shoulders, carrying out their tasks, remaining true to their oath and never giving up. The Eid of Redemption is approaching, and the employees of this high institution are clutching the embers and pulling the trigger, keeping their guns away from their families. Their families were decorated in khaki green and had no taste of Eid among their loved ones. but God made their compensation for these colleagues and brothers of this institution who were family, support and brotherhood for each other in these difficult circumstances, so you see one of them, despite his desire for his family and problems, costs and difficulties. of life, its burdens and responsibilities, there is a kind of stability and psychological peace that you can only find within your location or post among your colleagues and soldiers.

On this occasion, we congratulate the patient Sudanese people, and when we mention them, we include our armed forces because they have been torn from the shores. We congratulate them and hope that this Eid will return to them in better conditions, and they will. travel in safety, security and stability gear, and everyone will be compensated for what was lost. The end of patience is reparation.

We congratulate the steadfast, patient, young, proud, strong, defiant, valiant and brutal Sudanese Armed Forces. We congratulate the Sudanese armed forces who are far away, but they have brought them closer to us with the news of their. victories without which we do not sleep. It became a pill every 24 hours, and sometimes when necessary. The Knights of El Fasher, carrying the sword of the West, we are grateful to them for the holiday gift they gave to all Sudanese. people are happy, which is the murder of rebel Ali Yaqoub, the leader of the rebellion in El Fasher. We congratulate the Knights of the 22nd Division in Babanusa, and as we jokingly call them (Petrol Haggana). with their brothers from the 5th Division, Haggana al-Abyad, and from the 14th and 10th Divisions, Haggana Kadugli and Abu Jubaiha, we congratulate them and bless, after them, the cavalry of the Signal Corps, which was a rock. Militia attacks against it in recent times have destroyed it and its neighbor, the symbol of our dignity and pride, the General Command of the Armed Forces.

We salute our knights of the Wadi Sayyidna Military Region, its various land forces and their different types. We congratulate our mighty eagles who have transformed the skies of Sudan into an exhibition of the arts of riding, fighting and entertainment. We congratulate the naval forces and. their detachments which have proven that the armed forces constitute a complete system that supports and supports each other.

We congratulate all the regular forces, the mujahideen, the mobilized and all those who took up arms and stood alongside the armed forces in their sincere and great fight against the rebel militias and their agents from the ruined countries, as well as all those who support oppressive and arrogant systems.

We commend the movements of the armed forces deployed in Gezira, Sennar, White Nile and West Omdurman States, our forces in Omdurman region and our heroes in Al-Ailafoun, and we do not forget the cavalry and their brothers in the units of the Shajara region.

We congratulate those who are close to us, from a distance and conscience, to whom we are writing, and we are now among them, the knights of the Al-Kadro military region with its different units, the Al-Kadro, which became the Hollywood of this battle and who never ceased to entertain us with everything possible and some the impossible.

In general, we congratulate the armed forces, leaders, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers inside and outside our beloved country, and we reach out to them wherever they are. We pity the souls of our martyrs, because they are more generous. that all of us, their memory remains like torches that light our path.

May God have mercy on the martyrs… heal the wounded… restore the missing

Pride, nobility and invincibility for our valiant armed forces

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