Congratulations donkey! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Buy a donkey in Mabrouk and be proud of this great gain, because whoever owns a donkey and a caro on the island now has the world and everything in it! Because this is the only means of transportation in the villages of the island after the Ganga occupied its lands. Now on the island you no longer hear the sound of a car engine or any other accessory, except for the Ganga cars that have either a double or a double. Dushka platform. Mabrouk walked with his donkey, happily roaming the streets of his village, a man driving him, not a passenger on board! So that people could enjoy his sight and win the admiration and applause of passers-by and the joy of those who desired his donkey over the low walls, a girl saw him on the street and said to him: (Congratulations, donkey)! Perhaps he misunderstood her and quickly replied: Souad Al-Bayra!

Those who fight the army and target the citizens by stealing, looting and displacing, and blaming it on the fact that they are fighting the remnants, have the same understanding. Congratulations for the hasty response and the one that struck the heart of Souad. pain, and God decreed division for her in this situation, and she did not want it, and it is not exaggerated that God grants her a situation that makes her happy. They are the ones who claim politics. although they are far from it abroad, they have the same understanding as Mabrouk (Al-Mushtar) in the face of the war and those who started it.

One of their godfathers said two days ago that there should be a popular uprising that would go through the streets to call for an end to the war, and it was he who already created a steak factory out of imagination!! And he burned it, but he did not burn (Lestaka), rather he watched the black smoke from afar, rather he continued to glorify it in prose when he became stupid!

The man does not know because he is very far from what happened to his family and what happened to his house, which has only walls left standing. He does not know that most of the inhabitants have left their homes, and the one who remains. sitting in his house, he waits for relief from God and prays for those who caused the displacement of his family. Those who remain cannot even go out to the mosques to pray, for fear of being torn off by a bullet from an Ethiopian or southern mercenary. the cross hanging on his chest

This godfather does not know that those who burned tongues are the same ones who are fighting now, they are the same people who were denounced when one or more people were killed in a procession and vandalized and set fire to police stations. is a third party!

From my platform I look… where I see that Congratulations, the politician bought a donkey to roam the streets of the capitals of different countries, not with his free money, but with what was given to him in exchange for the work he does, which harms this country and its people, and we must tell him angrily: (Congratulations, the donkey)!

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