Contain the dangers of the foreign presence in Sudan… This is how the recovery begins…! #The_Autre_Dimension ✍️ Musaab Brier

» We have started a series of articles #The Other_Dimension on the dangers of the foreign presence in Sudan since 2022 AD, entitled “A historical precedent… (11) million foreigners, including (2) million (d 'spies) who violate Sudanese national security. in all aspects of the state (1, 2), then we reopened the case. In 2023 AD, after the shameful crimes of foreigners against defenseless Sudanese citizens through their participation as mercenaries in the Rapid Support Militia Rebellion, we published an article: Violations of the Law on Control of foreign presence are an unforgivable crime against the homeland and the citizen, and when some evacuated fellow opinion editors came out to support our campaign with very distinctive columns, we decided to support the campaign with specialized documentation of the disasters of the chaos of the foreign presence through a series of articles, the wonders of the chaos of the foreign presence on the Sudanese health sector (1, 2, 3), the disasters of the chaos of the foreign presence on the environment and forests of Sudan (1, 2), and we concluded with a serious comment from a forest expert (Abdul Azim Mirghani) on the impact of asylum on forests)… And we will continue, God willing Almighty, even to our country. regains his stolen dignity.

“And when the Ministry of the Interior decided to prepare a workshop on controlling the foreign presence, we hastened to support this positive movement with articles, The chaos of the foreign presence in Sudan… And after the blow of ax fell on the head (1, 2), and then with an article, To whom complains the master and the governor of the north, in response to his complaint on the chaos of the foreign presence in his state, and the response was an intense movement in which all specialized security services in the North participated, which almost resolved the chaos of the foreign presence, and we send our thanks and appreciation to the Lord and the North.

» Yesterday the media was full of news: the Interior welcomed the rapid response to the implementation of the recommendations of the Workshop on the control of the foreign presence, while the Minister of the Interior, General of Maash Khalil Pasha Sairin division, revealed the advanced stages in the implementation of the recommendations matrix. of the workshop on foreign presence, and the minister welcomed, in the periodic media platform of the Ministry of Interior in Port Sudan, the response. The public prosecutor's office has created specialized prosecution offices to report and control the foreign presence.

» The minister said the federal government office has been contacted to form committees at the local level to monitor and count foreigners in the states. He added that the Refugee Commission is also in the process of opening offices in Karari and Nile. at its offices in Gedaref, Port Sudan and Sennar, with the aim of counting foreign refugees, stressing that community police committees have been tasked with restricting the presence of foreigners in the neighborhoods.

“Yes, this is how the recovery begins, Mr. Minister of the Interior, it is shameful to make the media a wall that cries in the face of the chaos of the foreign presence, when we have every reason to control it and to regulate it while respecting humanitarian concerns. recognized international laws and standards. These efforts must be tracked with precision and close monitoring, especially in the following areas: Securing refugee camps, which is the most important task of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the malicious United Nations organizations. manipulating to escape from them by weaving plots and mines, dangerous integration plans which are now being prepared in dark rooms… We will shine the spotlight around them in our next articles, God Almighty willing.

Last message :

In summary, there is nothing good for us if we don't say it. Thank you, Ministry of Interior, thank you to the Sudanese police forces who have been intentionally targeted and weakened for opening the doors wide to exploiting Sudan with aid. negligent paid agents and politicians who have tormented our bereaved country. Well, yes, this is how recovery begins by closing the most important security folders, but we must remember that they are just the beginning, and our malicious enemy does it cleverly. lurking in our weak points and will not easily abandon this issue. Keep this file vigorously, may God grant you success and direct your steps.

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, do not impose on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear you for us and do not have pity on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Al-Akhd (June 2, 2024 AD)

(email protected)

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